Third Time's the Charm

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Mr.L stepped inside of the last illusion and the mirror quickly vanished from view again, leaving him stranded in this next memory. The man in green looked around, humming as he memorized the interior of the room he was inside. Outdoors it seemed to be the dead of night, but the interior was illuminated by sets of candles perched all around.

It looked like a home office one would see in a side room to someone's house. The walls and ceiling were painted in a blue and red galaxy pattern that Mr.L noted looked like the stars above in Dimentio's perfect world. There was a large desk with stacks of books all around on the floor.

Mr.L walked over to the desk and peered over at a picture propped up in a frame. The picture inside of the frame looked to be Dimentio, but he now had his jester cloak and his hair was longer, covering the left side of his face. There was a second person in the picture, this person was much older and had a green cloak on them with a hood that covered their face.

The second man looked to be smiling with their yellow eyes, a hand placed on Dimentio's shoulder. Both of them appeared to be very happy in the photograph. Mr.L couldn't help but notice that Dimentio didn't even look a day older from the previous memory. He would've guessed that this memory would have been several years after the other based on the sole fact that indoor appliances appeared to be a thing.

"This doesn't look that bad!" Mr.L exclaimed with a cheerful tone, "Yeah! The last two were WAAAAAY worse! There is NO way that this one is as bad as-"

Mr.L jumped as the door slammed inward, causing an unstable stack of books to tumble. Dimentio, looking exactly the same as how he did in the photo on the desk, quickly ran inside, not even bothering to close the door behind himself. The man in green watched as Dimentio tried to catch his breath while pulling out what looked to be a suitcase.

"Where is my passport?! I need to burn it! The spell books! Where are they?!" Dimentio frantically exclaimed under his breath, "I only have mere seconds! Like an hourglass that has shattered, I no longer have the time!!!"

Dimentio snapped his fingers and all of the books and papers in the room flew into his suitcase, condensing themselves to somehow all fit. He waved his hand to levitate the case and then ran over to the nearest window. As he slid it open, the green-cloaked man from the photograph appeared in the doorway, his eyes reflecting a glare under his hood.

"Don't you even think about running, apprentice! I already called the authorities and they are going to come and collect you any moment now!" The man exclaimed, pointing at Dimentio, "Make one false move and I will be forced to incapacitate you!"

Dimentio froze and took a shaky breath, slowly removing his hands from the window. He gulped as he stood there, facing the man with an expression that said he didn't want to fight.

"C-come on, Merloo. You know that I have done nothing wrong! You know that everything you were told is preposterous!" Dimentio told him, his hands in the air, "Who has ever heard of a human vessel being used as a live Horcrux?! Even if such a thing were possible, why would it be ME and how could you possibly blame it on me simply because of gossip flaunting about like a model on a runway?!"

"Stop trying to play me for a fool, Demetrius! I've had it up to here with your lies that you've fed me for years!" Merloo spat.

"Demetrius?" Mr.L questioned, unsure if he heard Merloo correctly, "Did Dimentio seriously change his name to DEMETRIUS once?"

As if Mr.L didn't even exist, Dimentio and Merloo continued their confrontation.

"Please, you've taken me in for almost ten years... You've been like the father I never had. Don't let someone's accusation ruin this bond we've built." Dimentio whimpered.

In The World Of His Nightmares (DimentioXMr.L)[An SPM AU!]Where stories live. Discover now