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Everything seemed frozen in time for the moment as all of them stared down at Dimentio's corpse, his mask giving them all his classic psychotic grin, making the scene all the more unnerving.

The Pixls all floated in silence, their eyes all wide with horror. A few of them covered their mouths in shock, some of them could only stare, and Thoreau looked like he was going to throw up at the sight of so much blood and guts.

Mr.L, on the other hand, stood absolutely ridged as his gloved hand gripped the dagger, the dagger that had Dimentio's heart skewered on it. The man in green trembled as he breathed heavily, his legs threatening to go out from underneath him as he stared down at the bloody body that looked like a victim of some sick serial killer's mutilation.

He had just assassinated the king. The king of this sad empty world that no one else would ever see the beauty of. A perfect world that should've never existed, and never again will. A king who wanted to love and be loved, but never got the chance.

Mr.L choked on a sob and fell to his knees crying, dropping the dagger to the floor with a clatter. Out of the hole carved out in Dimentio's chest slowly came floating up the Chaos Heart. The Heart itself was weak and frail, not having any hate from Dimentio at any point when being attached to him.

"Mr.L! The Heart!" Tippi pointed out, "It's fading!"

Just as Tippi had said, the Chaos Heart looked like it was simply dissolving into nothing. Mr.L shook his head, instead turning to look at Tippi.

"T-Timpani, was it? I-I need you to vouch for him when we all go back. My word will mean nothing, but I need you to convince Jaydes and Mario and everyone else that he is NOT the villain!!!" Mr.L sobbed, "H-he deserves the second chance, but I can't give it to him once we get back."

Tippi remained silent as the Chaos Heart began to glow, everything else surrounding them all growing brighter by the minute.

"Promise me, please. I don't care if it costs me anything, just do it, please." Mr.L begged.

Tippi hesitated as everything grew to an almost blinding light.

"PROMISE ME YOU'LL DO IT!!!" Mr.L shouted.

Tippi exhaled a breath and nodded, her expression neutral.

"Okay. If that's what you want, then I will." Tippi said with a small smile.

Mr.L took a shaky breath and forced out a smile, closing his eyes as tears clouded his vision from the light.

"Th-thank you... for giving him the thing I can't." Mr.L murmured.

Just like that, as if the big bang had decided to jumpstart again, everything around them became nothing. In only a fraction of a second, what was once Void flourished back into what were the worlds, everything returning back to its former glory and beauty.

Mr.L hardly got a chance to see it all again. After all, he was supposed to be dead. So, back to The Underwhere the man in green went.




Mr.L's POV:

It had been a day or two - at most three, by my guess - since the Ultimate Show happened. It had been that many days since I was in that 'perfect world'. I find it funny that Dimentio had said about fifteen years had passed since he made that place and yet the worlds just seemed to pick back up where they left off as if everything wasn't gone from existence for over a decade and a half.

In The World Of His Nightmares (DimentioXMr.L)[An SPM AU!]Where stories live. Discover now