Chapter 3: -Green-

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The boy with green hair and freckles had passed out not too long after he delivered the news to Mr. Aizawa. Some people who looked very similar to the scientists came, and took him away. Y/N was weary of them but didn't have much time to question their intentions because Mr. Aizawa was busy dealing with the kidnapping of someone named Katsuki Bakugo. He told Y/N that bad people took Bakugo, but Y/N didn't really understand why that was a bad thing. It was the good people that were dangerous--like the scientists! They were good people and they hurt Y/N all the time. Also, Y/N would have to keep an eye out for that one girl with brown hair. She was a good guy and Y/N didn't want her to try and take him back to the scientists.

Y/N followed Aizawa into one of the nearby buildings. Everything was super crowded and overwhelming so he tuned most of it out. They eventually arrived upon a room that wasn't occupied save for two others.

"Mandalay, Kota," Aizawa addressed the two. They looked up simultaneously. Mandalay was holding a teary eyed Kota in her arms.

"I-Is Deku okay?" Kota asked, quickly wiping away any tears.

"He's getting medical attention right now, but he'll make it. Midoriya has been in this sort of situation more than once, but I fear the mental toll this'll have on him more than the physical." Aizawa stated, his eyes moving to the other adult in the room.

"If you need help from any of the Pussycats-" She started.

"There'll be no need." Aizawa waved her off. "You already have enough to deal with, especially with Ragdoll missing. For now, the best any of us can do is help the injured students. Speaking of, I do have one request for just you and Kota." He placed a hand on Y/N's head of brown hair. "A villain was in possession of this kid during the attack. For what reason, nobody knows, but I doubt it was good. As a teacher, I've got a lot on my plate at the moment and can't watch him. The students are hardly suited themselves and we can't just hand the kid off. He was here during the attack and will be placed under the protection of UA until we get things sorted."

"But with Bakugo's kidnapping, the whole staff will be busy." Mandalay clarified to which Aizawa nodded.

"I know I'm asking for a lot, but we've already got a lead on the whereabouts of Bakugo. It'll be a couple days at the most."

"What does this have to do with me?" Kota finally blurted. "You said you needed my help too. What do you want me to do?"

"Well, I need someone to help the kid. This is all probably super scary for him. You remember how you felt when Muscular tried to hurt you and Midoriya?" Kota nodded. It may have been a few hours, but he remembered it clear as day. The shock still hadn't completely worn off.

"Yeah well that's probably how he feels." Aizawa told Kota, glancing at Y/N. "So I need you to be like a big brother to him. Make sure he doesn't get into any trouble. Protect him like Midoriya protected you." The teacher knew he was asking a lot. Kota had experienced a near death situation for the first time in his life, but Aizawa also knew the kid was strong. There was a reason Midoriya had wanted to try and encourage the young boy. Kota had potential, but if he wanted to make the most of it, he'd have to first understand how heroes worked. And what better way to start than by putting another person in his care. Sure, Mandalay was the one who'd actually be taking care of the kid, but maybe this would help relieve Kota of some of the stress and even take his mind off of all that'd happened.

"So what's your name?" Kota asked the little boy that was standing next to Aizawa. Y/N hesitated. Surely it would be okay if he told them his name, right? After all, it's not like they could hurt him with it.

"Y/N..." He whispered timidly.

"Awesome! I'm your big brother now!" Kota cheered. "C'mon Y/N, I'll show you around!" The older boy grabbed his red hat and was about to drag Y/N out of the room with him when Mandalay's voice stopped him.

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