Chapter 8: -Periwinkle-

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The next day was, for once, pretty uneventful for Aizawa. Nothing major was going on at the school and the students were their normal (chaotic) selves, having finally gotten settled into the dorms at the school. When the bell rang, dismissing them for the evening, Aizawa caught the eye of a certain student.

"Todoroki would you stay for a minute?" The stoic student nodded, sticking to the back of the room as everyone else filed out, all whispering about what the teen could've possibly done. When they were finally gone, Shoto turned his attention to his teacher and opened his mouth only to be quickly cut off.

"Before you ask, no you're not in any sort of trouble." The man said in his monotone voice while Todoroki nodded. "Actually, I want to show you something, then I'll tell you what this is about."

Walking out of the room, Aizawa led them to an area that was normally off limits to the students. He unlocked the door and the two traveled through a maze of hallways before finally arriving upon one deemed different from all the others. The inside wasn't super messy, but it also wasn't exciting either. It was just plain, and boring.

"Y/N, come put your shoes on." Aizawa called and Shoto's eyes widened slightly at the mentioning of the little boy. Shoto knew that the kid was infatuated with him, but Aizawa wanted to keep Y/N away from the students knowing they might freak him out. The teen was somewhat thankful for this because he feared that he wasn't too well suited to deal with kids.

Shoto's thoughts came to a sharp halt when Y/N walked into the room. He blinked a few times trying to make sure he was seeing things correctly.

"His hair..." Shoto muttered.

"Looks a lot like yours." Aizawa agreed, voicing what the teen had been thinking. "Not only that, but the kid 'coincidentally' has an ice quirk." The teacher crouched down to help Y/N put on his shoes.

"Are you... going somewhere?" Todoroki asked quietly.

Aizawa nodded, standing up, Y/N standing beside him. The kid wore a white puffer jacket.

"Mr. Aizawa, it's not that cold outside."

The man hummed in agreement before glancing at Y/N.

"Y/N doesn't seem to think so. He refuses to take it off." A smile flickered across Aizawa's face. He would deny it if asked, but he secretly thought the kid looked adorable all bundled up.

"I've scheduled a meeting with your mother." Aizawa explained. "I was wondering if you'd want to go."

Shoto quickly nodded. "Yes, I'd like that. But is he really..." The teen trailed off, lost to his thoughts. Was there really a possibility that he had a younger brother? He didn't remember one...

"That's what we're going to find out." Aizawa stated. "Let's get going." He told the two boys. Y/N gave Shoto a curious look which the teen noticed right away. He awkwardly held his arms out and Y/N smiled gleefully as he ran over and let Shoto pick him up. He even made sure that Shoto held him on his left side because it gave off extra warmth.

The ride to the hospital was silent, though Y/N would hum occasionally. The action pulled on the heartstrings of both Shoto and Aizawa. The young Todoroki, however, was somewhat nervous because what if Y/N wasn't actually related to him? He might be sent off to some foster parents and then the small place he had in Shoto's heart would be empty. Even after the short amount of time he had spent with the boy, Shoto felt attached. He was a hero to Y/N, his first hero actually, and Shoto never wanted that feeling of pride he got from it to go away. Finally, the car came to a stop along with Shoto's heart.

"Relax, kid." Aizawa told him. "It'll all be fine- regardless of the outcome." Shoto gulped, but nodded anyway. The trio then made their way through the hospital, Y/N still in the teen's arms. When they got to Rei's room, a nurse walked out and gave them a warm smile.

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