Chapter 11: -Turquoise-

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I'll admit, it actually only takes me a few hours to write a chapter. I'm just extremely lazy and lack the motivation. 🤷‍♀️

I'm also sick of this fic <3

Silence encaptured the Todoroki household, and the tension that came with it was smothering. Nobody knew what to say to Endeavor, Japan's now number one hero. Or perhaps, better yet, they didn't know how to address the living incarnation of flames and temper that stood menacingly before them all. 

"So when are you going to explain to me your reasons for wanting to gather—and in my own home nonetheless?"

"Well, to start off I just want to inform you that this is no lighthearted matter and the topic I'm here to discuss is anything but cheerful." Aizawa mulled, tone detached and cold. "Though as a pro hero I'm sure you're well accustomed to such things and are prepared to handle them."

Endeavor humphed, giving the other hero a harsh look, arms crossing over his large chest. His gaze shifted when he heard the soft spoken word of "fire" coming from the little Y/N's mouth.

"I assume that this boy has something to do with whatever is going on here?" Endeavor asked, though his words came out as more of a statement.

"Correct," Aizawa agreed. "This is Y/N Todoroki—your son."

Shoto Todoroki, the formerly youngest son in the family, felt his eyes widen ever so slightly at his teacher's bluntness. The man didn't even attempt to ease into the situation. He simply stated things as they were, making it very clear as to who Y/N was and what it was that they were all meant to discuss.

"I've already visited Mrs. Todoroki and she confirmed this," Aizawa continued. "Though according to her, Y/N was proclaimed dead."

Shoto didn't know what he expected from his father, but silence certainly wasn't it. The Endeavor stunned so much that he couldn't speak? The idea was unthinkable, yet there the man stood, not a word leaving his mouth.

"I still don't understand. So where has Y/N been this entire time?" It was Natsuo who broke the ice, his question being what both Endeavor and Fuyumi were silently wondering.

"The best we could deduce is that Y/N was kidnapped sometime after birth and was being held by some scientists until we stumbled across him a few days ago, during the students' summer training camp." Aizawa explained.

A small gasp left Fuyumi's pale lips. Although she knew the world to be a cruel one, it felt a lot worse when someone of her own flesh and blood was a victim to its unsavory ways.

"Did they--Was Y/N?" Fuyumi had to blink rapidly so that the tears gathering in her eyes wouldn't spill. She didn't want to cry, not when she didn't know the true intentions of the scientists. There was always a chance, albeit a small one, that they hadn't done anything too severe. Yes, they kidnapped Y/N, but perhaps that was the worst of it.

"Test." Y/N's soft voice answered Fuyumi's question. "Sci-Scie-" Y/N looked away angrily, growing frustrated at himself as he struggled to pronounce the word. He knew he couldn't talk as fast or fluently as everyone else around him. He knew how pathetic he was. There were a lot of things he couldn't do, but he really wanted to at least do this one thing.

Taking a moment to calm down, Y/N then worked up the resolve to get out what he had wanted to say.

"Scie-Scientists hurt. They hurt me." Y/N explained this to Fuyumi, pointing to himself so that the message was crystal clear.

"They..." Y/N paused, having to glance down at his hands. He waited patiently for the same frosty blue hue to appear upon his palms. With his quirk, Y/N formed two small icicles and held them up for the older woman to see.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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