Chapter 6: -White-

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Dabi was officially an idiot. He'd been aware of this for the past couple of hours, ever since he'd tried to bring Y/N with him back to base. Now the villain was by no means a fan of children, but Y/N was different. He was a Todoroki. Specifically, a Todoroki who hadn't been tainted by their father's irrational desire to surpass the number one hero: All Might. (Or at least that's what he'd interpreted from the scientist he burned to ashes.) The villain "Radar" as he called himself had been working with a team of scientists in the attempt to understand Y/N's supposedly world-altering quirk. Dabi might've thought that Endeavor was behind this, but he knew the pro hero. Endeavor would want any and all skills that either of his children learned to be from him, not developed in some underground lab. But that left Dabi with the question of who the scientists were working for and what could they possibly have to gain from this? Were they working for Overhaul? Maybe, but Dabi wouldn't know. He had never heard of this guy.

The villain growled under his breath, laying his head on the bar. He was alone for the moment apart from the still unconscious Bakugo kid. It irked him just thinking about the hot-headed hero student. Kurogiri had assigned Dabi with the task of watching Bakugo until he woke and this didn't sit well with the normally calm villain. Why did he have to sit here and supervise this kid when he'd practically volunteered to watch and take care of Y/N instead. He'd even gone through the trouble of explaining to Kurogiri why having Y/N would benefit the League, but the shadowy man had still denied him.

"His presence is an inconvenience." Was all that Kurogiri had told him the moment Dabi had been teleported into the bar without a Y/N in sight.

"How? He's the son of Endeavor! How is he an inconvenience?" Dabi questioned, but the man remained impassive and did not offer up an explanation.

"Can you at least tell me where you sent him?" Dabi tried asking. Honestly, he was thoroughly confused by that. Dabi and Y/N had entered Kurogiri's portal at the same time yet they ended up in different locations. He hadn't known that Kurogiri's warp gate was capable of doing that. Of course, none of that mattered because Kurogiri wouldn't answer him and tell him what he'd done with Y/N.

Dabi growled again, his hands curling into fists. To think he was getting so riled up over some kid he didn't even know. Heck, the kid was probably some distant cousin or someone that shared the same last name. After all, his hair was a weird reddish brown color, not all that close to his father's bright red hair, nor was it Snow White like his mother's. The only reason why Dabi thought the kid to be related was because of his eyes. Those damned gray eyes that were all too similar to hers.

Dabi shook his head again, cursing himself silently. What was with him being so sentimental recently? Besides, what was he actually going to do with a five year kid at the League of Villain's base? Teach him to despise Endeavor as much as he did? Dabi almost laughed out loud at the thought. No, he didn't need Y/N to hate the man because Dabi already held enough hatred in his heart to cover the whole entire world. He would be the one to bring about the man's downfall, nobody else—not even the adorable little Y/N.

Dabi sighed aloud, pinching the bridge of his nose. He was going to lose his mind if he kept thinking such weird thoughts. He was a villain with a goal. That should be his focus at the minute, yet he couldn't help but wonder if Y/N was okay. The kid probably felt betrayed by him which only made the man's declining mood even worse. Curse Kurogiri for making him seem like a bad guy the one time he didn't want to be. He'd have to go visit the kid once this whole thing with Bakugo was finished. But for now, Dabi would simply sulk as he watched the angry blond breath in and out while he slept.

Soon, Y/N, soon. He thought.


Y/N hated that smell. Specifically, the smell of a hospital's sanitary wipes, only they didn't remind him of a hospital. No, they reminded him of his time with the scientists. Of times when they'd poke and prod him with sharp needles and knives. Y/N shivered at the thought. He never wanted to go back there. Speaking of there, it might be best that he figure out where exactly here was before he came to any conclusions. Because who knows--maybe he was still with the scientists and his whole adventure had simply been a hallucination.

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