Chapter 7: -Brown-

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"Have you seen the video?" Someone asked in a hushed voice. The person being questioned shook their head, watching as the other handed them a phone.

"Watch it." They urged, shoving the screen up into their face.

They gave their friend a perplexed look, clearly not understanding the reason for being secretive, but played the video regardless.

The video itself was less than a minute long, 30 seconds at best, yet the contents held within it were enough to stir the emotions of the one watching.

"B-But how?" They questioned, trying not to drop the phone while their hands shook. They passed back the electronic before looking their friend directly in the eyes.

"Is it fake?"

The other snorted at that.

"Of course not, idiot. Why would someone fake something like that?"

"A villain might do something like that! To try and scare the public!" They argued back, cheeks flaming a little after being poked fun at.

"Oh? And how is turning a nomu into a human supposed to scare someone? It seems to me that it would scare the villains who created those monsters in the first place. They lost one of their little puppets, after all."

"I-I guess you have a point." They conceded, rubbing the back of their neck.

The friend rolled their eyes again before grabbing their accomplice by the arm.

"C'mon, I'm sure the boss has seen the video already. No doubt this story will have piqued his interest. Lucky for us I think I know who was behind that astounding feat."

"What?" The other gaped at the statement. "You recognized the person that did that? But how?! The video was so grainy and dark!"

"Oh please." The friend groaned yet again. "Don't tell me you didn't recognize his form? You are the one that spent the most amount of time with him."


"Gosh, why do I have to explain everything? Who else shakes like they're a mentos in a Pepsi can?"

That seemed to spark a flame in their mind and they snapped their fingers in realization.

"That was—?"

"Y/N. The final topic of our meeting." Principal Nezu said, calling forth the attention of the other teachers in the room. Things had been incredibly hectic the past few days if the dark bags below the adults' eyes were anything to go by. Just the news and media itself was enough to overwhelm the average citizen. It might almost be safe to say that the entirety of the world was stressed. With the news of Bakugo's kidnapping and rescue, the escaping of the notorious League of Villains, and stepping down of All Might as the world's #1 hero, the staff of UA highschool had a lot on their plate. The releasing of Y/N's newfound powers by an unknown source only added to their worries. Y/N had the ability to reverse the experimentation effects of a nomu and turn them back into who they once were. This might've been seen as a good thing in the public's eyes, but it only made the situation more complicated for the heroes. The video showing Y/N had been posted by an unknown source. Nobody knew if the one behind it was working with or against the heroes.

"I would like for all of you to watch this recording." Nezu told his staff.

A video started to play on a screen in front of everyone. The footage appeared to have been taken from a security camera and wasn't the greatest in terms of quality. However, it was good enough that the heroes were able to see what was occurring and Aizawa was the first to recognize what they were looking at. The tubes hosting the many nomus were what gave it away.

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