Behave, You're On TV

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      Michael wakes up to his mom yelling at him to wake up. "Okay mom!" mumbled Michael as he melted off his bed. Michael turned on his phone. "It's 8:12?!" screamed Michael. Michael wiggled his blanket off of him, and quickly got himself dressed. While putting on a jacket, he accidently knocks over his TV remote into his laundry basket. 

      "I'm heading to school now Mom!" Michael announced to his mom. "Okay! I love you, have a good day at school!" the mom shouted as she put his laundry in the washer. Michael gets his bike and pedals himself to school. 

      Hours of school later... "Alright, wanna meet later?!" Michael shouted to his friend. "Yeah, sure man!" his friend shouted back. Michael then started to pedal back to his home. 

      Meanwhile, back at Michael's home... *BONK* "Huh, what was that..." Michael's mom wondered. She then got up, and decided to stop the washer to see what was causing that noise. She moaned in anger as she dug through the clothes to find Michael's remote. "He should be more responsible with this..." his mom mumbled as she dried Michael's remote and put it back on his dresser. "That little boy should be controlled. Heh..." Michael's mom chuckled as she walked away.

      She then decided to watch some YouTube and her phone. "What's this?" wondered Michael's mom as she stared at a video titled 'How To Help Your Kids!'. "Maybe I should check this out..." Michael's mom thought.

      *DING DONG* Michael had just got home. His mom gasped, and ran towards the door to open it for him. "Hi Mom!" said Michael. "Oh hi! How was your day at school?" cheerfully said his mom. "What's wrong Mom?" asked Michael. "This." responded his mom as she pulled out his remote. "What?" asked Michael in his own head. *CLICK* "Woah!" Michael said as he stepped backwards. "H-How did you do that Mom?" chuckled Michael. "It's Linda." said Linda at a dark tone. "But I'm supposed to call you Mom." said Michael. 

      Linda pointed the remote at his legs, and paused it. "Stop it!" nervously said Michael. Linda then pointed the remote at his head, and turned down the volume. "Why can't I talk!!?!?" wondered Michael. Linda played Michael's legs, and pressed the arrow keys to make Michael walk to his room. "You're in big trouble. You're sneaking out... You have bad friends..." said Linda. "So this will be your punishment." said Linda. 

      Linda pressed the microwave button, and said "Michael, lay down in bed, and think about what YOU'VE done." Linda left his room, and locked it as Michael helplessly crawled into bed. "How... Why would she do this?" Michael thought. Michael reached for his backpack to get his phone, but when he get his phone, he felt a powerful shock through his body until he dropped it. "AAAAAH!!" Michael screamed in his head.

      *DING* Michael looks at his phone on his carpet floor to find something horrifying. His friend had texted him "Dude, your mom told us that you're getting homeschooled. What's going on?!" "Oh shit..." thought Michael. Linda walked in his room, and realized what he saw. "That's right. Until you act right, you'll gonna be doing work." said Linda.  "NOOOOO. LET ME GO. PLEASE!!" thought Michael. "Now first, I've seen your grades. An F- on MATH?! You're must practice!!" shouted Linda.

      "Now, I'll let be free, but if you try to sneak out. Well... I guess you've already figured it out..." said Linda. Linda unpauses Michael. "You little-" shouted Michael until he got shocked. "AAAAAAAHH" shouted Michael as he fell over like a statue. "You have NO manners!" shouted Linda. "I've given you a second chance. That is now gone. Now behave." said Linda.

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