My Syrup Pool

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Lang was just sleeping in his room until he was awoken by an unknown force. The moonlight, along with the wind blew into his room, giving him a sense of relief, but fear.

Lang gets out of his bed to get some water. He grabs his cup, and walks out of his room towards the kitchen.

As he fills his cup with water, a smell infiltrates his home, and soon his nose. It smelled like syrup and butter. Lang, feeling confused, walks towards the smell. It gets stronger and stronger until Lang reaches his backyard door.

         He opens it to reveal his pool was emptied out, leaving only a small pancake where the drain should be. Lang climbs down into his pool, and inspects the pancake.

         He picks it up, but as he does, syrup sprays all over him from the pancake. The force of it blasts Lang to the other side of the pool.

         The pancake falls back down omto the drain, and the syrup continues to rise up. It sticks onto Lang's legs as he wipes the syrup off of his face. By the time he wipes it off, the syrup pool has been filled up already with Lang's head sticking out.

He calls for help, but then the syrup rises up a bit more to cover his mouth. Lang tries to break free from its grasp, but it didn't work.

         A few minutes later, Lang feels the syrup start to spill through his clothes, especially his pants. When the syrup goes inside his pants, his urge to pee surfaced.

         Lang eventually peed, but the urge didn't go away. He closed his eyes, hoping to sleep, and luckily he did. He woke up the next morning, feeling completely better, but he is still in the syrup, and he isn't in his pool anymore.

         Lang looked around his surrondings. He was in a plastic room, with the ceiling being round and red.

         He felt the rook shake, and the light poured in. He looked at the outside, and a giant hand was grabbing... Wait... Lang realized he was inside a giants home. The bottle of the syrup bottle opened, pouring Lang out of it.

         He landed on the hard, but soft texture that is a giant pancake. Lang landed on his back, letting the extra syrup pour all over him. The syrup was stronger than before, and stuck him to the pancake pretty good.

         The syrup stopped pouring, and the bottle was closed. The giant put it back, and walked right back to the table.

         The giant held out its hand, and held the pancake in his hand. Lang somehow wasn't crushed, and was safe in a cramped area. The giant stuffed the pancakes down its throat. Unfortunately, Lang was eaten, and died.

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