A Magician's Secret

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         Max screamed in horror. Tears falling from his eyes. He was being kidnapped. They pushed him to the floor, and handcuffed him. Suddenly, he was thrown into a van, and as the doors shut, darkness filled the area. Scared for his life, Max starts to flail around, but then the van comes to a halt.

         The two men that kidnapped him sprinkled some glitter on him, making him frozen in place. Then they tied him to a metal platform with four wheels underneath it. They wheeled him off into what seemed like an abandoned warehouse.

         As the three enter the dark filled room, the two men left and closed the door as fast as they came. Max manages to lift a finger, and then his mouth was able to move. Relief fell onto Max as if it were the softest blanket ever, but then it was ripped off of him. A menacing laugh scares him. The lights flicker on.

         The room is smaller than Max imagined. The room contained mirrors with lights, costumes on hangers, and... Max realized he's in the backstage of some building.

         Max tried to look through the giant, red curtain as good as he could. A tall man wearing a fancy black tux with a tophat kicks Max from behind. The platform rolls to the wall. The man greets himself and unties Max. He grins at Max. He still was terrified, so he ran away.

         The man screams a name, "Glus." It shakes the whole room, causing Max to fall down and cover his ears. The man sprinkles the paralysis glitter on Max, and sits on him, telling him that his name is 'Glus.'

         Glus then tells Max that he has plans for him, big ones. He carried Max's limp body to a chair. He places him down in it, and starts to chant.

         Max couldn't believe his eyes. Magic was real. The glitter slowly fading away revealed glowing, purple chains. They attach themselves to Max and the chair, tying them together tightly. That feeling of happiness was spoiled.

         Suddenly, a cloud of smoke poofs a wheel of 'activities' in front of Max. Glus spins it. The wheel arrow lands on 'itchy sweater.' Glus then gets a call. He answers it, and tells the caller he's getting ready for the show.

         Max gets worried. Glus then ends the call and snaps his fingers, summoning an itchy sweater onto Max, replacing his shirt. The paralysis glitter weats off, and Max starts to wiggle around. Suddenly, the wheel of activities fades in a black and white swirl. Glus spins it, not putting Max in a trance, but his body. Max stands up as the chains fade away into dust.

         Glus holds Max's hand, and the red curtains open. An giant audience stares at them, and three judges stare at them also. Glus lets go of Max's hand, and proudly introduces himself as 'Glus the Magician!' The audience claps for him as he announced his 'partners' talents. Glus tells the audience that Max can survive and handle hundreds of bugs on him. Max gets freaked, but his body is still in Glus's trance. Glus takes a jar of all kinds of bugs out of his pocket. Spiders, fly's, worms, etc are kept in the jar. Glus starts to countdown, and spills the bugs all over Max.

         The audience gasps as Max is forced to stand there in agony. A few minutes later of that, the judges decide to stop the presentation. Frustrated, Glus grabs Max's hand, and drags him out of the building. The judges decided to call security to check if Max was okay.

         Security had to call the police, due to the fact Glus wasn't in any way related to Max, but took him with him. A search has begun.

         Meanwhile, at Glus's house, he chains Max's whole lower body inside of a dog cage. The paralysis glitter started to wear off, and Max could get out of that horrible position. His hands were tucked in his pants, which were chained down, and an itchy ball gag was placed in his mouth. "Now let's prepare for my next trick..." Glus whispered. He then closed the dog cage, and carried it into his basement. Max screams as the basement door closes.

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