The Worst Babysitter (SHORT)

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"Okay, it should only take a couple of hours..."

Jake assured himself as he drove to the mansion-like houses driveway. He got out of his car and walked towards the front door.


He pressed the doorbell two times, to make sure whoever's on the other side hears it. Jake puts his ear close to the door and quickly puts his head away from the door as it opens.

"Oh, hello!"

A woman answered the down. Jake looked a little bit up to see her face. She looked like the wife from The Addams Family, but modern.

"Oh, h-hi!"

Jake was nervous talking to her. His fast and shaking smile completely faded as the woman led him into the house.

The entire atmosphere changed when he closed the door and locked it. It felt slightly cold, like any half-emoty modern mansion would.

"Alright Cindy, I'm going to be leaving now!"
"Say hi to Jake!"

She waved at Jake as she left the house and closed the front door behind her. Jake blushed a little, with a follow up smile.


Jake got hit in the back of the head with something metal, most likely a metal baseball bat.


Jake wakes up in Cindy's bed, with the inability to move. He tries and he tries but he just can't. He calls out for help, and Cindy comes in.

She giggles with glee as she walks in, almost as if she's possessed. She's visibly wearing a golden clock necklace, with the sound of its hands ticking seemingly putting Jake's body into its immobile state.

"Now I'm the babysitter!"
"Now sit up and shut up!"

Jake was hypnotized to follow her commands, while still completely aware of it, but unable to stop it. He just had to sit there and do whatever she ordered.

Jake's eyes were locked onto Cindy's, silently begging her to stop this madness, but deep down in his heart, he knew she wouldn't stop.

"Follow me."

Jake followed her to the kitchen.

"Sit down in the basement."

Jake walked to the basement and saw the sun for the last time as he walked into the basement.

He sat down on the cold, concrete floor, not even being able to control his breathing and blinking, which would happen every second.

Cindy slowly walks towards Jake and...

To Be Continued...

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