Fitting The Mold

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Joe gets up from bed. He hears a huge crash in his house. He grabs his phone, and checks the outside of his room. He looks left, and see's nothing. He stares right, and see's a giant, rubber mold blocking the hallway.

He then feels his carpet floor. He looks down, and it's filling with Jello! It's a solid, but rising like a... liquid? Joe gets excited, and carried away with his emotions. He stuffs the Jello down his throat, and bounces around in it. He then thinks to himself if he should use the mold.

Joe, feeling a rush of adrenaline, does so. He gets close to the mold, but then his house shakes. He drops his phone in the Jelly. Joe tries to pick his phone back up, but the Jello swallows it.

The shaking that happened earlier caused the mold to suddenly tip over, and fall on Joe. "AH!" Joe screams. Luckily, Joe didn't get crushed. He fit the mold somehow. Joe tries to lift the mold, but it's too heavy. "HEEELP!!" he yelled out. The Jello then starts to leak in the mold, filling it. "NOOOO!" Joe yelled.

         It finally fills up. It starts as a liquid, but then starts to solidify. Joe tries to move around but it's useless. His movement has been blocked by the Jello, including the mold. Joe closes his eyes.

         He wakes up, but he can't move. He looks around, but he can't. Joe looks at what he can. His arm is yellow... Wait, he's JELLO?! "OMG!" a girls voice screams out. A girl comes into view. "THANK YOU DAD!!" she yelled. Her father walked into view too. He winks at Joe, knowing who he is.

         The girl then jumped onto Joe. He bounces, and then... "Can I eat this?" she asked. Her dad nodded. The girl stared at Joe, and bit. She ate him.

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