Camilo's Interrogation

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Camilo grunts as he stretches and gets up. Someone slams the door open, scaring Camilo, making him shapeshift into many different forms before going back into his own.

He jumps back onto his chair, making him fall on his back while also breaking the chair. A woman grabs him by the collar of his shirt, and drags him out of his room in his weak state.

He gets thrown into his bathroom, with the door being locked behind him. The woman then faces towards him, with an intense stare.

She pulls out a USB drive, and stabs it into Camilo's forehead. He screams in pain, transforming into Mirabel before his own form.

She then orders him to sit down and only listen to her. Camilo, while trying to take the USB out of his bleeding forehead, he sits down uncontrollably.

He can't move, not even an inch. His eyes and ears are forced to listen & look as she talks to him. She says that she's the hidden child, who was banished from the house itself.

She managed to break in using Bruno's old area. She then wants Camilo's power to shapeshift into him so she can cause more trouble.

Camilo, paralyzed by command and having the unability to do anything, he just nods his head yes, scared out of his mind, wondering how she's doing this.

The lady then introduces herself as Camy. She then commands Camilo to stand up and do nothing.

Camilo's body completes that command, forcing Camilo into an unfamiliar state of discomfort.

Camy leaves the bathroom, even mockingly leaving the light off for him as she closes the door, leaving him in a seemingly black, endless void.

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