⋆ Chapter 2 ⋆

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II. • °

I was using  a brown paper napkin that I had gotten out of the dispenser in the bathroom.

As you can guess my jacket was really fucked up at this point.

I mean I was wearing white and now it's covered in brown. By the smell of it I knew it was maybe a Frappuccino but that was beside the point.

I tried my best not to smear it everywhere so I tried to gently scrub with just water...it didn't work well.

Then I tried soap and water and I ended up smudging the stain across some more of my jacket and that only made me even more annoyed.

"Fuck."I said to myself throwing the paper towel in the trash can. I heard the bathroom door push open behind me but I just kept my eyes fixed on my jacket trying to figure out what else I could do because I wasn't wearing anything underneath it.

"Here." I heard a soft voice say beside me.

I looked over to see the blonde girl from a minute ago, who spilled the Frappuccino shit on my jacket.

Well, at least I think it was a Frappuccino.

I looked at her hand and back up at her and saw that she was handing me a black shirt.

"No it's fine-"

"Are you sure? I mean you're going to feel all sticky and gross and it's still morning."

"Yeah well, I'll figure something out. Thanks." I say while pulling another napkin out of the dispenser.

"You know that's not really going to work right?" she paused. "You're not doing anything but smearing it."

"Yeah, I see that." I say giving her a fake smile. "I'll fix it."

"Honestly I think it would make your life a whole lot easier if you just took the shir-"

"Look," I interrupted. "Not to be rude but I'm already having a really shitty day and I don't know you to take your clothes okay? So could you just...not."

"Fine." she paused. "I was just trying to be nice."

"You know...it would've been nice for you to have watched where you were going maybe..."

"Wait..." she scoffed. "So you're saying it's my fault?"

"Who's fault would it be?"

"Yours actually, you were totally not looking left or right before crossing the hallway-"

"What this isn't a street... clearly if you see someone in the middle or whatever you simply go around-"

Our bantering was interrupted by another student as they entered the bathroom as well. She stood there as if she was interrupting something.

But in fact, she wasn't she was just walking into a weird conversation between two strangers in which the girl wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Fine." she turned back to look at me "Suit yourself." She stormed out of the bathroom leaving me in the mirror looking at my jacket wondering what I was going to do.

"Is that...Frappuccino?"The girl in the bathroom asked, I looked at her with my eyebrows raised with a confused expression on my face.

Why she was worried if it was Frappuccino or not when that was not even the point here?

I walked passed her trying to catch up with the girl I had just spoken to, the one who messed up my jacket.

As I opened the door I saw her heading in the direction to walk to lunch, she looked up at me as I was approaching her.

A Thousand Times EnoughNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ