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"Eden, stay when the bell rings." Ms.Andiron said. "great" eden thought. She didn't want to see this teacher any longer then she had to.
The bell rang after 50 exhausting minutes of the class, Eden hated maths class. Eden got up and collected her things and walked over to Ms.Andiron's desk. "what?" eden said slightly annoyed. "sit." Andiron responded. she did so, Andiron started "first of all I will have no disrespect from you in this class. And second off where is your uniform?!" "well" eden smirked. "if you must know I just simply didn't feel like wearing that crappy ugly uniform. And to be honest Zel-da i don't care who you are." Andiron narrowed her eyebrows "it's Andiron to you young lady. You may now leave" With that Eden got up and left slamming the door behind her to piss off Zelda Andiron.


God I hate her already! She has absolutely no chill she's such a bitch! Whatever it doesn't matter anyway, i'll just do to her what i did to my other teaches..give them hell. i smirked to myself. "Eden!!" i hear an annoying voice yell at me in the hallway. I turned my head and saw my best friend. i rolled my eyes and slightly smiled at her presence. "Eden" she happily said as she hugged me. "What's up karen" i said with a smile and hugged her back. Karen has always been my best friend although we went to different schools we lived across the street from each other since we were little. "let me see your time table Edie" karen said to me.
Edie ugh i hated that name but loved it at the same time. Her mom would always call me that since i was little, her mom basically was the women who raised me since my mom wasn't around much like my dad. I smiled and said "of course" I handed her the paper. I saw her face wince. She let out a sympathetic laugh "oh eden, i'm so sorry you have Zelda Andiron. Although she's terrible she is kinda pretty." I rolled my eyes "of course you would only say that." with a giggle. "well do we have any classes together?"Karen takes a minute to respond. "yeah..,except that one class with Andiron." "ughhh" i groaned out. "well the bell is about to ring shall we go?" "uh yeah let's go".

The bell rings as both girls head off to their next class. Eden and Karen walk their English class and find a desk and sit down. Side by side like always. Throughout out class Eden was yelled out for not paying attention. She never cared though. Class ended and they went through out their day to their other classes. (Small Time Skip) . Eden and Karen are sitting in their final period waiting for the bell to ring to dismiss them. "Oh shit i totally forgot to tell you Karen." "tell me what?" karen asked her. Eden let out a small laugh thinking back about it, she now thought it was a little bit funny. "when i can in i hit someone car with my door when getting out. their parking was terrible! they left me like no space."  karen's eyes widened in surprise and assumingely. She laughed out "oh my god eden! Do you know who's it was..?" karen smirked a bit and giggled "what if it was-" Eden interrupted Karen. "ugh don't you even dare start with that." "well i'm just saying it would be pretty funny" karen said while laughing. Eden slumped down in her seat and waited for the bell to ring. As soon as it did she and Karen got up and started to head out to the lot. "Well i'll see you later Eden, want to come over later?" "sure." karen smiled and said "then you can tell me who's car you hit" . With that karen walked away to her car. As Eden turned around to get into her car she ran straight into Zelda Andiron. She was also headed out. "Seriously?!" they both groaned. Zelda saw the small dent on her door and looked back at Eden. She walked closer to Eden causing her to back into her cars side. Zelda stood slightly over her, her arm pressed next to the side of eden blocking her in. "You better be careful next time you get out of your car's really not good to hit other people doors." Zelda then back away with not another word and got in her car and headed off.

:) enjoy-

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