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(sorry this one is shorter)

Eden woke up fluttering her eyes with a pounding headache. "ughhh..." eden groaned as she rolled on to the floor her blankets still wrapped around her. "My fucking head..." she mumbles to herself. She lightly smiles to herself remembering the kiss she shared with her teacher.

"Karen, it was just wonderful. I just i- i don't know i felt some kind of connection or spark when she kissed me..,it was amazing" Eden said smiling on the phone with karen. "Oh my god! Eden! i told you she likes you...,and not to mention she's totally hot!" eden groaned "okay yes but she's more then hot, she's not just looks!" "pffft yeah yeah whatever you say eden." "alright well don't forget you have work today!" eden rolled her eyes "yeah yeah whatever you work with me too!" As both girls ended their call Eden stood up and let the blanket a drop to her ankles. Eden was dress in a lose crop and her underwear from the night before. she put her hair in a messy bun with her back to the window, Miss Andiron was passing by on her way to the cafe. She turned her head to Eden's house, a shade of pick grew across her place as she saw Eden standing their putting her hair up. Eden turned around and saw Zelda, but pretended she didn't and grabbed the bra and her work shirt off her bed and changed in front of the window knowing Miss Andiron was looking. The shade of pink grew darker across Miss Andirons face as she saw, she quickly turned her head away and continued to walk on to the cafe, She was going to meet up with her friends.

Eden got to the cafe a little before her teacher. She saw her teacher approaching and ducked behind the counter acting like she was looking for something, "What the hell are you doing?" karen looked down at eden "shut the fuck up! i'll tell you later!" Eden said in a hushed whisper as she heard the bells ring indicating someone has come in. "Hi, You two can have a seat wherever is free and someone will be with you." Karen said politely to the two ladies as she lightly nudged Eden with her shoe. Miss Andiron and her friend took a table, her friend sitting across from her.
Eden crawled to the back, she washed her hands from being on the ground and let out a stressful sigh. "Don't even look at me like that Karen" Karen smirked "Well you can't keep her- acting them waiting..." emphasizing "her" Eden just rolled her eyes and made her way to their table.

"I want to thank you for inviting me up here for the weekend Zelda." Her blonde friend remarked. "Yeah well i haven't seen you in awhile so of course" she said with a sweet smile.  Eden blushed a bit as she saw her smile. "Excuse me, How can i help you two..??" Eden said acting like she didn't know her. Zelda raised an eyebrow at her, which made eden nervous, making her feel warm, Eden started to heat up a bit and she started to feel something between her thighs. She shifted her stance. "Just coffee for us both" the blonde said. Zelda Andiron still keeping her eyes on eden knowing exactly what she was doing. Eden wrote it down and nodded.
A few minutes later Eden brought out their coffee, "Thank you sweetheart.." Zelda said flirty to Eden.
As Eden walked away when she got far enough Miss Andiron blonde friend Ash "Is that her..?" she said with a smile. "Yes that's the one i've been telling you about." Ash laughed a bit "Well you've got taste" she said as she sipped on her coffee. "Thank you" she smirked and did the same.

(time skip)
Eden groaned as she fell back on Karen's bed. She laughed "what's up with you?" karen asked. "Just today was so stressful! I mean like i told you on break she looked at me through the window, i mean not like i care because it's her but then she came to the cafe." karen giggled "that she did" as she joined Eden in the bed. Both girls in their pajamas, they were having a sleepover, they haven't had one in years. Both stayed up most of night laughing and have a good time.

While Karen and Eden doing that, Zelda and Ash were on the couch drinking wine and catching up on things. Zelda telling Ash more about Eden. "I think you should go for it..Zel, i mean from what i heard seems like she has a thing for you." "I mean maybe she does" "Oh stop she totally does Zelda! just try to peruse her a little more flirt with her monday a little more." Zelda rolled her eyes with a smile "alright alright."

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