Driving you home

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While in Miss Andirons car i decided to pull out my phone and text karen about everything that happened, i mean i knew Elyria likes me but i don't think i like her like that...,i think Miss Andiron has caught my eye to be honest.

Eden: Hey karen, i'm going to explain everything that happened today, i'm just surprised Elyria didn't tell you three.
Karen: yeah no all she said was you got detention and you had to see her after class
Eden: i mean she is right in that way but..i think i like Miss Andiron..i mean they way she talks to me and what she does to me i mean she lifted my chin up so our eyes meet i mean it's kinda flirty-
Karen: WHAT?!
Eden: don't freak-
Karen: HA i told you before she was hot, and i wasn't going to freak out i'm kinda rooting for Zelden
Eden: keep it between us
Karen: DUH!

I accidentally giggle out loud a bit and slightly blush at karen's comment.
"Hmm something funny dear..?Also tell me where to go" Miss Andirons informs and asks Eden. "Oh um uh nothing just karen, being silly..and i live in bridgeside." "Oh?! I didn't know you did too." "You do too?!" eden almost yells in surprise and excitement. "Eden." she speaks with a firm tone. She arched and eyebrow and gives her a side glance, "it's distracting sweetie." Miss andiron spoke firmly. This gave eden butterflies and a weird sensation, as she crossed to legs to ease it, a slight pick brushed on her face. Miss Andiron smirked to herself knowing the effect she had over Eden. As they pulled into bridgeside Eden spoke up. "Um if you turn down this cul-de-sac my house is the last one on the street." Miss Andiron nodded in return. As she dropped off eden "Do you want a ride Thursday? which is tomorrow?" "oh uh heh, it's alright i can walk, i'll just have to get my car fixed tomorrow. i just have to have someone bring it in shop." "Ahh well then at least let me pick you up tomorrow after all we will be spending a lot of time together.." "alright" eden submitted to her offer, she was getting out she spoke "thanks by the way, i appreciate it." "oh it's no issue" Miss Andiron winked at Eden. Eden got out and watched her teacher drive away once she was half way up the cul-de-sac eden went inside.

Eden sighed against the door after her long day, she couldn't stop thinking about her teacher. Eden decided to get out of her uniform and into sweatpants she just wanted to relax after her day.


I dropped Eden off at her house, god she always looked beautiful in her uniform, she would sometimes wear her skirt short, it would make me feel red in the face. All i wanted was to feel her touch and embrace. Wait, what the hell am i thinking she's my student..,and i'm her teacher i'm pretty sure that's all she sees me as. I sighed at i pulled into my drive way. Once i got inside i immediately changed out of my work clothes, i think that was my favorite part of the day well that's besides eden...,seriously Zelda stop thinking about your student like that. I decided to grade their papers they had a test this week the one eden of course didn't do which i have already punished her enough for, i rolled my eyes to myself that eden never does the work. I needed her to behave more in class. And i'm determined to make that happen.

As the night went on both women did different things trying to keep their minds busy. Eden was informing her friends about what happened while Zelda was grading papers. Some surprising news came up in the conversation Eden and her friends were having, which made eden rethink is elyria really did like her.

Eden: anyways enough about my boring life, how are you guys?
Elyria: I meta girl named violet.
Karen/Abby/Eden: WHAT TELL US MORE!
Elyria: alright alright calm down, i mean she's great i met her a soccer tryouts today. She has this beautiful raven hair and those dark brown eyes, she's really gorgeous
Abby: well? is she gay?! does she like girls? do you think you have a chance with her?!
Karen: seriously abby calm down
Eden: yeah jeez ab
Abby: i'm just excited for her i mean all to my friends are starting to have flings!
Eden: HEY! Look i don't even know if it's something
Elyria/Abby/Karen: well that's what it sounds like
Elyria: anyways, yeah she is i mean she was kinda flirting with me and i even got her number!
Abby: that's so exciting we have to meet her after school!
Eden: Um hellooo i can't remember?
Karen: haha oh yeah you have detention with Miss Hot
Eden: Oh my god don't call her that!

Eden smiled at her phone and rolled her eyes.
She had the same nightly routine like always, shower, brush her teeth and hair and get ready to sleep. She did so.
Eden set her alarm so she wouldn't wake up late again, she set it a few minutes earlier so she could get extra ready for Miss Andiron.

The morning on thrusday Eden got up early, she wanted to look perfect for her teacher. She curled her hair and bushes it out so it looked nice and did light makeup and perfume. She decided to tease her by wearing her skirt up higher then she normally does. She looked in the mirror and nodded to herself satisfied that she looks good. She collected her thing as and headed down her steps as she heard her teacher honk the horn. Eden stepped out side and headed towards the car. As she got in Miss Andiron spoke "you look very nice today eden.., did you do your light makeup for someone?" She arched an eyebrow looking at eden knowing it was her. Edens face grew a light pink "i um uh no, i can't just look nice" she grumbled with an attitude. "Hmm Eden what did i say about being disrespectful and having an attitude..,if i remember correctly i told you to respect me, now seeing you have already a month of detention you wouldn't want anymore now would we? Do you understand me?" "yes" she softly said back and the quickly corrected her herself "yes Miss Andiron" "good girl Eden you are learning" Eden quietly whimpered and crossed her legs.

As they reached school both got out and walked in together "See as long as you are with me you will never be late to my class again." Miss Andiron playful said to Eden. "Well it's what i do best, that is not show up." Eden walked in her classroom before her teacher and accidentally dropped her phone "shit" eden spoke softly under her breath trying to be quite so she didn't hear, Eden bent down and picked up her phone. Miss Abdiron has seen Eden bend down and couldn't help but look. Her face grew a shade of pink but she shook it off and sat at her desk and started to check emails in her laptop, while eden sat in the front of her classroom. Eden had been placed their ever since she got in trouble with her.

As class started Eden actually tried to pay attention to Miss Andiron, well the problem wasn't paying attention it was actually understanding what she is saying. Eden couldn't seem to focus on anything else but the women stood in front of the class. She was so deep in thought she didn't hers the teacher call out her name the first time. "Eden!" She immediately snapped out of her thoughts. "pay attention" "yes ma'am." She continued her lesson till the end of class and the bell rang "Eden stay back please ." Eden groaned and Miss Andiron raised an eyebrow at her reaction and Eden corrected herself, wanting so badly to be good for her. "Come here Eden." She said as all the students filed out of the classroom. She looks up from her computer "Is there any reason you can't seem to pay attention?" "Well i just i don't know, i guess i'm tired." Eden lied she got more then enough sleep but she just couldn't take her eyes off the women, wearing a short pencil skirt black and a white button t shirt tucked in the first two buttons undone making eden blush. "You are dismissed, and remember you have detention."
Eden left quickly and went to her other 6 classes though the day.

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