Chapter 34

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Ashwin's mind voice is Seri....

and " Sivaangi..." = Ashwin talking.

Sivaangi's mind voice is  A and "Ashwineyyyyy " = Sk talking
On with story

Disclaimer: Everything in this Story is fiction.

We then hung out with others and then Krish Pa came and picked her up.

I smiled as I got in my car and drove home mentally making a plan.


Sivaangi POV

I reached home, got refreshed and just layed on my bed. So many things had happened.

So many things were going in my mind.

I opened insta on a whim to distract myself and I saw an old video of Sam and I in SS7.

I thought back to that season. Everywhere he projected as if He was a big star and I was his fan. Thinking back, I truly saw how he made me feel inferior. How he made fun of me but covered it in a pretty wrapper called friendship.

How he never trusted me on my abilities.

I quickly opened hotstar and saw an old episode of SS 7.

I saw how he was wantedly behaving as if he was my boyfriend on Camera. And thought back to how he behaved like a normal friend off camera. How was I so stupid? How did I not notice these things before? Why did I fight with my parents for Him?

He was always USING ME!

Right from the beginning!

Naan thaan ivolo naal muttala irrundhuken!

He created a scene as if we were more than friends on camera. Apart from the channel's content teasing, he was adding oil to the fire Right from the start! Then constantly encouraging the fans to ship us.

Was any part of our friendship even real?

But why was I noticing these thing now? Why was I realising it now?

Then as if to answer my question, I got a dm from Mani Akka on insta asking me to watch a fan edit.

I opened it to see to it was edit of Ashwin and me right from the start to Pulikesi ep.

Pudikum nu sollunga...


I thought back to shoot of first episode,
how he gently took the rose from my hands with a blush. How as soon as I asked him to say he likes flower pot. Without thinking he said Pudikum.

The way he was shy and looking cute.
The way butterflies erupted in my tummy everytime he looked and smiled at me or when he hified me in the first episode.

The way I caught him looking at me when our teams were selected for second cook off.

The way I felt so comfortable and relaxed around him when we met in Pugazh Anna's house to watch the episode.

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