5. good old-fashioned loverboy

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Louis is having a crisis.

"Could you please stop calling me every single curse word in your vocabulary? I'm only trying to help you" Liam says, sitting on the edge of Ashton's bed and softly stroking the almost sleeping lad's arm.

"But I don't want to get up" Ashton mumbles, into his pillow and he turns onto his stomach to get away from Liam's touches.

"Well, too bad" Louis interferes, because Liam might be sweet and nice, but Ashton won't get up with sweet and nice. Ashton needs asshole right now. "You have to"

Liam sighs and nods, probably sensing that they're about to do some good cop, bad cop thing. "Because it's an important day" He adds, hand reaching out to Ashton again.

"I don't fucking care" Ashton snaps and Liam turns his head, looking at Louis in helpless manner.

Louis scoffs and walks over to them. "You don't care about the first footie match of the year?"

He knows that he can win Ashton over with that, because footie over everything, but he's not sure if it's going to work this time.

As he expected, Ashton hesitates. But his sleep lulled brain apparently decides that sleep is indeed better than running around the field in the cold morning breeze, still stew on the grass because it's so early. And honestly, Louis can understand that. He gets it. Everyone would. But Ashton still has a responsibility with being on the team.

"Ash" Liam sighs and Louis glances down at him, watches him massaging his temples and pinching the bridge of his nose.

They go through this before every match. Ashton is already a problem getting up early for classes but it's fine, because everyone is in a bad mood and he and Louis can just sit in the back of the first period and then decide if the topic of the lesson is worth his attention or not.

The problem comes when it's a Saturday and everyone is fine getting up early to watch the school's footie team have a match and preferably win it.

Ashton is not fine with that.

Every time they have a match on the weekend, he's a bitch to get out of bed and down to the field.
Of course, Louis gets it. It's cold because October rolled around quickly and it's not the most preferred activity to run around in a jersey and shorts in the coldness for several hours, when he could be sleeping in.
So, yes. Louis gets that a warm duvet and pillows are very much preferred right now, but he's still the captain and has to get his teammate out of bed.

"That's it" Louis says after walking into the bathroom quickly and then back over to them with a glass of water in his hand. He moves over Liam to get onto the bed and straddles Ashton's thighs so he can't squirm away.

As the boy slowly opens his eyes, and probably due to sleep still sitting in his bones, his reflexes aren't fast enough. The cold water from the tab splashes onto his face the next second, effectively waking him up.

"I'm the fucking captain Ash, this is our first match of the season and I won't fucking watch you lay here and pretend it isn't important. If you don't get your ass out of this bed right now I'm going tell coach that you're not qualified enough to be on the team and you know I will fucking do it"

He hears Zayn's whistle and whisper something that sounds like "tommo way activated" from the bathroom and practically feels Liam's raising his eyebrows while he keeps the eye contact with his best friend up.

Ashton glares at Louis from where he now lays in a wet disgusting mess.
"That" he says, managing his most deathly glare. "Was as unnecessary as the g in lasagna"

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