18. epilogue

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Let's take a sec to appreciate LONG HAIR HARRY (bc it's lhh now)


Little droplets of clear, cold water run down his cheeks and neck as Louis straightens up, places his hands on the ceramic sink and looks at himself in the mirror.

His skin is smooth, light stubble and slightly tanned forehead that makes his eyes an even brighter shade of blue. He involuntarily smiles at how healthy, calm and happy his reflection looks.

The happiest he's ever been. Well, he was very happy all the years he's been going to school with his best friends but that was not even close to how happy he is right now. That thought makes him feel slightly bad because he feels like that, when he hasn't seen any of them in two years.

He misses them, of course he does. But he can't bring himself to get up and go back. He's way too content with how much he loves his current life for that.

Louis scrunches his nose and turns away from his reflection, grabbing one of the soft white towels, drying the last bits of water from his face before exiting the bathroom. He walks downstairs into the kitchen, makes himself his morning tea and walks over the antique rug on the floor with his bare feet to open the glass door that leads to the garden.

Clifford immediately jumps up from his chest place on the couch, his paws scrambling on the wooden floor as he basically runs out onto the grass. Louis chuckles and follows with his cup in hands, enjoying the feeling of the warm grass on the skin of his toes as he looks up at the blue sky and squints his eyes at the morning sun. He listens to the birds chirping as he pats Cliff, crouching down to stroke him behind his ears.

But then his dog has had enough of him and sprints off again, playing with some bright yellow flowers and Louis shakes his head with a content smile on his lips as he makes his way back inside, leaving the glass door open for Clifford to come back inside when he pleases. Louis leaves his now empty cuppa in the sink and makes his way back upstairs into his bedroom.

Everything in this house is bright, huge windows and soft cream coloured walls, light wooden floor and antique furniture from flea markets, second hand shops or self made. Louis loves it, loves the rugs that don't fit the colour of the couch, he loves the bed that is just a mattress on pallets, he loves all of the books that lay on these pallets in stacks. He loves the candles and the vinyl collection and the soft curtains.

The curtains he walks over to and opens them to let the sunlight stream into the room, make it golden. He opens a window right after and looks down at Clifford who now lays on the grass contently.

Louis chuckles and turns away from the sight, moving onto a way better sight. The person between the soft white sheets, that starts moving as the fresh air fills the room. Louis still has that smile on his face that he can't wash off as he walks over and kneels on the mattress.

He sits back and just watches long brown hair fall down over smooth shoulders, watches the soft dip of a waist where the duvet falls down, watches the dark lashes lay peacefully on cheekbones. Watches the skin soft like silk and white like porcelain in the sun.

"Good morning, my love" Louis whispers, his hand going up and brushing some of the hair away to see that beautiful face, dipping down and grazing the part between shoulder and neck with his lips, softly and just a little moist.

"Morning Lou" Louis' favourite voice finally answers sleepily, raspy and Louis smiles as he moves closer. He is now laying down next to his boy and moves his lips up the line of a neck, a rush of air leaving this beautiful body as he presses his lips down on that one sweet spot he knows best.

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