10. getcha head in the game

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Louis sighs, burying his face in Zayn's shoulder.

He sighs again, when he pulls away, but keeps his hands around Zayn's shoulders, looking at him from a few inches away. He scans his face, checking if it changed in the week they were apart now. Then he sighs, when he sees that it didn't.

"You really need to stop that melodramatic sighing of yours before I kick you in the balls" Zayn says, smile on his lips.

Louis breaks out in a huge grin as well, because god he had missed Zayn and god he loves his best friend.

"I missed you, you fucker. You were gone for a whole fucking week, I can sigh all I want"

"Well, it's my turn now" Ashton yells, running through their door, dropping the books that were in his hands onto the floor and pushing past Louis to jump at Zayn.

Louis smiles at them, before turning his head and watching Liam, who followed behind Ashton, but stays in the doorframe, unsure of what to do, biting his lip awkwardly and looking down at the floor.

Louis swallows hard because this is not how it should be. It shouldn't be awkward or uncomfortable like this with them when they have been best friends for years, spent every day together and have quite literally zero boundaries, which comes from years of sharing a room as four boys in the middle of puberty.
So Louis decides to do something about it.

He moves, to join Ashton's and Zayn's hug, then tilts his body and raises one arm, motioning for Liam to walk forward with his hand. Ashton gets the message immediately and opens the hug even more. Liam looks hesitant but is set into motion as soon as Zayn cracks a small smile.

So the brown haired lad walks towards them and joins their group hug. Relief washes over Louis as he breathes in and out deeply, just enjoying his best friends being back together. The way it should be.

"You're just in time for lunch, mate" Ashton says cheerfully, patting Liam on the back as he slowly distances himself from them, indicating that the touching is over.

Louis doesn't care about that and stays with his arms linked around Zayn's neck. Ashton grabs a football from under his bed, announces noisily that they will head to the field immediately after finishing lunch and links his arm through Liam's to pull him towards the door.

"Talk later?" Louis whispers to Zayn, still clinging to him.

"Fine" Zayn huffs, turning around in Louis' grasp and bending down to grip the backs of his knees and lift him up onto his back. "But only because I've missed you so much"

Louis squeaks happily and wraps his legs tighter around Zayn's waist from behind, holding onto his shoulders as his best friend carries him into the hallway piggyback and kicks the door close behind them.

"Erasers sacrifice their lives for our mistakes" Ashton acclaims with his mouth full ten minutes later when they're sat at the lunch table, Zayn and Louis playing table football with a little ball ripped out of the napkin.

"Seriously" A voice behind them chuckles and Ashton and Louis turn around to be faced with Luke standing behind them in the aisle between two long wooden tables. "What's going on in your head Ash?"

"I'm glad you're asking" Ashton says, sitting up straight and enthusiastically, grin widely spread over his face. "Last night a sudden thought crossed my mind: We all kicked a pregnant woman repeatedly at some point."

Louis sighs, shaking his head with a tiny smile and letting his gaze wander around the big room. His eyes immediately find Harry, who already looks at him.

He... what? He already looks at him?

Louis is confused by that because this is new. Niall seems to be animatedly talking to the curly haired boy, but he pays him no mind and looks at Louis. As soon as their gazes meet, a soft, small smile spreads on his lips, his dimple popping a bit.
Louis reflectively smiles back, his stomach fluttering around because of the look Harry is giving him.

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