8. upside down

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*(Special thanks to my best friend who let me borrow her laptop and ran through the whole garden to get her charger so I could write this since I forgot to bring my own laptop.
Also special thanks to my other best friend who laughed at the first mentioned one while she ran.
I love you both so fucking much.)*

For the next days, Louis' life is a mess.

Flipped upside down with the help of one single party.

Zayn and Liam aren't talking anymore, which is the biggest change. The change that hurts the most.

When Louis followed them into their room that night, Zayn was in his bed and has switched off all the lamps in the room to let the darkness of the night dive in. He ignored Liam and he ignored Louis as well. It had hurt, because Zayn just doesn't ignore Louis.

Well, sometimes he does when he's pissed off at everyone, and maybe when Louis did something so incredibly annoying he has to give him the silent treatment for like a day. But in this situation, Louis didn't do anything wrong, he literally didn't do anything at all. And it's more than just silent treatment, it's Zayn being not only pissed but genuinely hurt because of something. Something Louis doesn't understand.

So after a very rough and emotionally conflicting night, he has to accept it and crawl into his bed in the dark, quietly and lonely because they can't all sit together on Ashton's and talk about what the fuck just happened with Harry.

Liam wanted to talk to Zayn, of course, wanted to know what he meant and what that would mean for them from now on, he just wanted to talk about it. While he whisper-shouted Zayn's name over and over again into the darkness of the room, Louis just stood there, confused as fuck, because he most certainly hadn't seen that coming.

Well, of course, they seemed to be flirting every now and then but Louis thought it was just friendly banter. Now, of course, looking back at all those moments he feels stupid for not thinking deeper about it.

The whole Sunday had been quiet, so quiet that Louis actually chose to go study in the library. Because there, everyone is quiet; it's a rule. In room 28, the rule is not to be quiet so it feels so fucking suffocating that it actually is, no one is laughing, screaming, planning pranks and coming up with dumb ideas. No one is playing hide and seek, no one is listening to Louis' rant about Harry's beauty.

Ashton is gone with Niall for the entire day, Liam is reading the whole time, blocking out all the noise.

And Zayn is- Zayn is sent home for a week, suspended for punching Nick. No one else got punished for the secret party, at least. The teachers don't even seem to mind, just shook their head and sighed something about finding and punishing everyone who had been there being impossible.

But, not really surprising anyone, Nick snitched that Zayn punched him. Some first years who were scared of the teachers, confirmed that accusation and Zayn didn't even try to fight it. So now he's gone, until Friday at least. He left early in the morning, his dad picked him up.

Louis woke up when Zayn left quietly, that bastard trying to not wake them up. He really meant to leave without saying goodbye, so it's very lifesaving that Louis woke up from the noise and ran after him in his pajamas. He chatted with Zayn's dad for a while as Zayn apologised to Mrs Wilson. Louis had to hide his grin, watching Yaser trying to act like he's disappointed and not proud as fuck that his son finally got suspended for defending his best friend with a punch.

"Don't let any bastard get to you. Call me when someone says something like that ever again, alright son?" He mumbled to Louis, which he confirmed with a nod and a grin, before walking back inside after both Maliks speeded off in the dark green old MG.

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