16. infatuation &more

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Louis groans, and yawns, and almost throws a fit when his alarm wakes him up.

It's way too early to be awake. Nobody should wake up at 5 am. 5 am shouldn't even be a thing. He rolls his eyes and pushes the duvet off of his body, cursing some non-family-friendly words as the cold air hits his body and makes him shiver.

He lays on the mattress for a while longer, rolls around and screams into his pillow, the scream ending in a pained groan, before he eventually drags his body out of his warm, comfortable, safety spending bed. He loves his bed. And he hates school. Actually, that is not true. Of course, he hates that he has to get up this obnoxiously early for the train but still, today he's going to start his last couple of months in school, before he graduates and- god knows what.

It's way too early for an existential crisis, he decides as he pads to the shower, because Louis has about no idea what he wants to do after school, and 'after school' is in about six and a half months. Louis makes the active choice to ignore all of that while he turns on the shower, he's just going to enjoy his last months of school with his friends, his new friend group that he's grown to love like family over the holidays, he's going to enjoy annoying his teachers again for the last time, and he's definitely going to enjoy rubbing everything in Nick's face.


He actually went on a date with Harry. A real date. And they almost kissed and he met his family and Harry told him to not kiss anybody on new years.

Well, he might have broken that promise.

But, hey, it's a tradition and it didn't mean anything. For years now, Zayn has been Louis' new years kiss and that is going to stay that way, they promised each other a few years ago. It was nothing serious, not a peck either but only a little smooch on the lips.

Proper dramatic, because they completely forgot about it and Louis was doing a cartwheel competition with Daisy as the others started the countdown, so he ran across the whole garden in the span of five seconds and jumped into Zayn's arms just in time, wrapped his legs around his best friend's waist and kissed him just as the fireworks exploded above them.

It had been a party of the Tomlinsons and the Maliks, but there had of course been other families and neighbours over to celebrate in Louis' garden. None of them was extremely surprised to see Louis and Zayn making out, just as he said, it's a tradition. And Harry does not need to know about it.

When Louis gets out of the shower, he's buzzing with new excitement for the rest of the school year, dries off, gets dressed and almost flies down the stairs into the kitchen. He's the first one there and since he's feeling quite generous, he starts making breakfast for his sisters and dad as well. They don't need to be up at these obnoxious hours in the morning because they go to a local school, (Mrs Winston said she doesn't need more than one Tomlinson at a time), but they still get up and say goodbye to him acting more or less like zombies.

Daisy and Phoebe are the first ones to come downstairs, with Mark right behind them, also already dressed since he said he would accompany Louis until he's sat on the train. Louis spends a nice morning with his family, Lottie threatens to drown him in her bowl of baked beans as he comments on her hair all dishevelled from sleep. Eventually, he says goodbye to his sisters, who will next see him when he graduates (if he doesn't get suspended in the mean time) and he and his dad make their way over to Zayn's house.

"Alright Charmer boy" Mark started to call him that ever since he told him about Harry asking him out. "As always, don't do anything stupid, but you will, so just try not to be caught at least. Zayn, have an eye on him, yeah, boy?"

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