17. dead poets society

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*for the guidelines* hi wattpad :) there is a kiss here a little more erotic but both Louis and Harry are 18 in this chapter. Pls don't do anything to my favorite book ever. they are NOT underage. thank you ;)


"You know" Harry says, with against his back against the brick wall of the school building and stretching his legs out on the soft grass, the warming June sun nice on his face. He shuts his book and puts it next to himself in the grass, closes his eyes and leans his head back, smiling up at the sky. "Dating you comes as a package deal"

"Oh really?" Louis answers sleepily from where he took a nap with his head in Harry's lap. "Care to enlighten me?"

"I never only dated you, no, that would be naive to think." Harry says, smiling down at him. "I got Zayn and Ashton for free"

Louis laughs at him and then turns his head back to look at the trees above them, the sunlight pouring through the spaces between leaves. Harry can't keep his eyes off of Louis, though, with his hand going through Louis' hair absentmindedly.

Louis is truly beautiful. Very, very beautiful.

He acts all tough all the time, but he's so soft in moments like these, when the golden sunlight lights up his skin and makes it glow. And don't even get Harry started on his eyes. Fuck, these goddamn eyes. Sometimes Harry wonders if he fell for Louis because of his eyes. His eyes are not only blue, they're the colour of the ocean, crystal clear and deep and shimmering. Looking into his eyes, you can hear the waves hitting the shore and almost feel the next storm coming.

But then, Harry remembers that it was probably the way Louis treats him like he was the most important thing in the world, the way he looks at him as if he truly knows that Harry is all he will ever need. Maybe, the way Louis made Harry feel, still does. The way he let his walls crumble down for Harry and they were vulnerable together. The way he's loud and silly and goofy but still can be serious and the best listener and understander Harry has ever met, even with all the shit that happened to him. Maybe the way he always fucking remembers every single detail about Harry and his life, as if he has a folder in his brain with Harry's name on it and keeps just every bit of information there, safe and forever.

"I got you something, by the way" Louis interrupts Harry's train of thoughts. "Six months anniversary"

Or maybe it's that Louis feels the need to spoil the shit out of Harry.

At first it was to make fun of Harry's view on Louis for the first year, then Harry once actually liked one of the obnoxiously expensive presents Louis got him for the most random occasions, and then Louis started to take it seriously and bought Harry stuff that he thinks he will like. And hell, he likes them.

The boy sits up abruptly, grabbing a wrapped box from where it was hidden behind a stack of books they brought with them from the lesson, not patient enough to bring them back to the library first, they needed to be alone. Exams phase is coming up and they rarely have time just the two of them, so today, when the weather is that gorgeous, and it's their anniversary, Louis forbid Harry from entering the library and dragged him outside. The space behind the school building that the sun reaches in the afternoon, has kind of become their spot. It's surrounded by bushes and trees, not far away from the actual building to be popular, the other students are rather near the lake when it gets warm.

"Here, love"

Harry reaches for the box, eyeing Louis with a suspicious look since it's so heavy.

"Don't worry it's not gonna bite. I will. Later, though"

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