Part- 18 Nevermind

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Andy's Pov.

Life has never been easy for me. I was 10, when I lost my parents in a shootout and from then the struggle had been excruciating, the dream I weaved everyday to find the killers of my parents drove me to become a police officer. I was stationed as a seargent, who rose to the post of chief of police in a span of 10 years.
Yes, just in 10 years and it had to be the most glorious years of my life. I caught criminals, pursued everyone who were corrupted, won so many medals for my valor and courage, led so many mission successfully and the best thing, I met my soulmate, Erika. In a span of short moment, from our first date to the last day of her being my girlfriend, I knew she was the one, and
We were married.
We vowed to be by each others side through thick and thins.
We vowed to be each others medicine for pain.
We vowed to be each others smile in a tremor.
We vowed to be each others light in the darkness.

In short,
We were complete.
I couldn't ask for anything more. My heart was satisfied, mind full.
Her love made me forget what was revenge, her love made me forget the only thing I had brewed, survived on, punishing my parent's killer. Her love and care released me from the pain I relieved every day.

And the funniest part, I knew him, I knew him yet I let him go, because her love for me didn't let me commit any sin, and the revenge that brooded my mind was less than the love she bestowed upon me.
Nothing matter to me more than her life.
But everything went haywire, when the love of my life was fighting for her life in a hospital bed, enroute to heaven, incubated with all those machines, and at that moment I just wanted to avenge her condition.
The heaven broke upon me, when I got to know that, my wife was pregnant and the doctors were just helpless. They couldn't save the baby and my wife's condition was deteriorating.
I was helpless, I was broke, nothing seemed more painful to me than my life...
I couldn't do anything even when I was the Chief of police.
And the worst part, the irony was that, the man who I let go, the man who was reason behind my parent's death, was the sole reason for my wife's condition, the reason behind the death of my child before he could see this world.

Anger rose, my blood boiled, revenge parched my mind.
Some harmful decisions, some against the law, some in my favour,
I quenched my thirst for revenge, but destiny took a 360 degree turn when I was questioned for my actions,
Some decisions, some wordings, some murmurs and I was removed from my honorary post of chief of police and demoted to a mere Seargent
Yes, back to square one.
But I couldn't care less, I was content, maybe I was at a low post, maybe people said so many things behind my back, I was still happy, because I completed my life's mission, and now even if I die, I could die peacefully.

My happiness knew know bounds when Erika woke up from her long sleep, I told her everything and begged her for her forgiveness.
Her silence killed me.

She just told me,

" Love, I thought I mattered to you more than anything else, I never knew you would do such kind of thing"

That cold stare, that never ending silence, her lost laughter, everything pierced my ears, made it bleed till I slept. It haunted me.
I could feel, how we were drifting apart.
If only I could make her understand, what I was going through.
What I felt, after seeing her lie lifeless on a hospital bed with tubes and blood.
If only I could make her understand that, the pain of losing their child made him mad.
I was a man, I had to do something.
Something better than nothing!

And if she felt better being angry at him, fine, then so be it.
I would say nothing.

We communicated, only for the needs.
Not a word more.
Though we knew the silence killed us, but still ego dominated our love.

But everything changed when I met Sir,
Mahendra Singh Dhoni!
What a man!

The day I met him, my whole life felt like a lie.
I have never been a fan of cricket but I have seen him playing, and boy, that man could intimidate anyone.

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