Chapter one

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Madison Harper
It was hot and I was sweaty. I was outside with JJ waxing our surf boards. It was over 90 degrees outside and I was wearing jeans and a cropped black shirt. Still very hot.

"J, can't we do this another time? It's like a million degrees outside." I complained.

"Come on Mad how do you expect us to surf if our boards are not waxed?" He said tilting his head at me. I rolled my eyes at him as we continued to wax. Fifty years later were finally done.

"That took way to long." I said rubbing the sweat of my forehead. JJ stared at me then started laughing. I furrowed my brows at him clearly confused.

"Why are you laughing?" I said annoyed. He pulled himself together and finally told me.

"You're so dramatic Madison." He said walking over to me and wrapping his arm around my neck as we made our way to the inside of the chateau.

"Dude get off me your so sweaty." I said in attempt to push him off me but he resisted, wiping his sweat on my shoulder. I groaned in disgust and pushed him off. He just laughed while I stayed there with a straight face.

"Ah, Kie pass me that." JJ said as we entered the chateau.

"Sure." She said handing him a pen. He smiled inhaling and exhaling the smoke.

"Im keeping this now, thanks." He said with a wink and she replied with 'dude' and attempted to get it back but JJ made it hard for her.

"Hey jb." I said and he held his hand out for me to hi-five as he walked by me. I slapped his hand walking over to see what Pope was doing.

Today was a chill day and we didn't plan on doing anything.

Pope was working on some project for our history class I totally forgot about but me and JJ will probably not do it since we never did anything which would explain why we were failing every single class.

"Ooo what's this?" I said reaching my hand out to touch something but he slapped my hand away.

"Don't touch that."

I rolled my eyes and laughed at his actions.

"You know pope, maybe you should join the nothing to lose club and get high with J and myself." I smirked and he let out a breath of annoyance. I giggled walking away from him back to the others.

"Okay so I say we do a-" JJ interrupted me mid sentence.

"Kegger?" He said with a wide smile.

"No, but fuck yes we should definitely do that. Not today though I have to go to Sarah's." I said and Kie shrugged her shoulders and John b smiled.

"I feel bad that you have to go to Kook city and suffer." Pope started.

"It's not all bad. I just hang out with Sarah and plus shes my friend so?" I said not finishing my sentence.

"Woogity-woogity." JJ said out of the blue wiggling his fingers and both John b and I. We laughed and all agreed to throw a kegger.

"Promise me J and you too John b." I said and they gestured me to continue.

"No fights? When we have this amazing Kegger." I continued.

"No promises." They both said and I rolled my eyes at them.

"Seriously don't." Kie answered for me.

"But those kook assholes always start it. Especially Topper and Rafe." JJ said. They honestly did. They either picked a fight with JJ because he was talking to a girl or acting stupid. It was annoying.

"Whatever." I whispered and filled the empty spot next to Kie on the couch.


"Hey Rose!" I said with a smile as I walked into the Cameron house.

"Hey sweetie, Sarah is in not here. Im sure she's with Topper." Rose said, seriously she's doing this shit again. I nodded and she smiled walking away. I groaned in frustration and suddenly heard the voice I despised.

"You good there? You seem a bit.. frustrated." Rafe smirked and I looked at him with an emotionless expression.

"Fuck off Rafe." I said rolling my eyes and attempted to walk up the stairs but he grabbed my waist pulling me back. I look down at his hands on my waist. His ring feeling cold on my soft skin. My breath hitched and I swallowed.

"Does that make you nervous Harper?" He asked with a cocky smirk.

"No, nothing you do makes me nervous your just a pain in my ass Cameron." I said moving his hands off me.

"Whatever you say, gorgeous." He winked walking away. I froze in place at what he called me but shook those thought out my head at walked over to Sarahs room so I could wait for her to return home. I swear to god if she does this one more time.

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