Chapter nineteen

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Madison Harper
I shook out of my thoughts and brought myself back to reality. I found myself on the steps of my front porch. I noticed that my door nob had a hand print on it like someone touched it. That's weird because last time I left it wasn't like that. I opened my door slightly and the sight in-front of me made me want to throw up.

It was my parents. Anger filled my veins as my blood began to boil. My mother, Nailea, looked different from when I last saw her, her hair was jet black and she looked younger. She was wearing a black dress that had a slit on the side, alone her thigh. My mom was only 36. My father, Stephano, had his hair messy and some grey hairs and he was wearing a black dress shirt with dress pants. My father was 44 but still looked young. He held a glass of whiskey in his hands. The fuck? Why did they dress so fancy. What were they? In the mafia or some shit?

I laughed at the sight in-front of me. Are you serious? They decided to come back now? After how fucking long?

"We know you're confused and you have a lot if questions-" My mother tried to explain but I cut her off. I was so mad.

"Confused? A lot of questions? Yeah no fucking shit. You guys left me, for so many years I pretty much had to raise myself! Saying it was work trips and all that bullshit. It was never true." I snapped.

"Do not speak to your mother like that!" My father said in his Italian accent. I also forgot to mention that french is their first language so I also know some french but I always knew english because of my aunt.

"Are you kidding me!" I said "Whatever. Why are you guys here. What do you want?"

"We don't want anything. We cam here to explain ourselves and deliver some news." My mother said and I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"First of all why are you guys dressed so formal? What are you? The mafia or something." I laughed. They didn't answer instead stared at each other before back at me.

"Holy shit. You are?!" I questioned raising my voice.

"We have a lot to explain. Please sit down." They said and I hesitated at first but agreed. We all sat on the couch in the living room and they cleared their throats beginning to speak.

"You're father and I have always been in the mafia. We have always kept it a secret because we didn't want them to know about you. We always went on work trips and business trips because we had to. It was an order. We never meant to leave you or abandon you and one day we just vanished because we couldn't risk you being in danger of getting hurt or even worse, knowing that you exist. We know you're upset but please understand it was for your own good." He said and my body froze. I felt weak and limp. The hell. Ive always been apart of a mafia family and I never knew about it? I didn't say anything instead I sat there still shock.

"The mafia that's against us is dangerous and careless so if they found out about you they wouldn't think twice about kidnapping you and tourturing  you or even worse killing you." My mother said. I felt sick. Like always. I can't process this right now.

"But listen carefully Madison. This is highly important. The news we have is not great. You have a brother." They said and my eyes widened. What?

"A brother?! And you guys never told me about him?" I shouted looking at them with anger.

"It was for yours and his safety. But that's not the news. Listen what you did was not good Madison. Lily smith is Grayson and Millie Smiths kid. They are the leaders of the strongest most powerful and dangerous mafia in the world. They know you and Rafe Cameron killed her." She said and my heart dropped. Oh no. No no no no.

"What are you talking about???" I questioned, my body beginning to panic.

"What you did was bad Madison. Their mafia is highly dangerous and Lily was apart of it. Why do you think she was so crazy and hypocritical." My father continued. I can't process what's happening right now. Lily was apart of a mafia? What the fuck. My vision started getting blurry as tears filled my eyes.

"They are going to try and kill you both. They have eyes all over the world. Lily may have been your friend but little did you know that her father was telling her to be friends with you and get all this information out of you. Now they know about you and are trying to kill you. That's also why she wanted to kill you. They sent her to." They explained. She was using me? To have me killed. Were the words she told me before she died a lie? Was it all a lie? An illusion?

"You aren't safe here. So, your brother, Giovani is going to come out here and stay with you until your safe. When our mafia found out about him they insisted he works for us so just know he will protect you. Don't worry. You're father and I will be back soon we need to sort this out with our men." She said as they both got up and walked toward the front door.

"Wait so you guys are leaving?" I stood up staring at them in confusion.

"Were sorry." My mother said.

"Nous vous aimons tellement, nous reviendrons pour vous." My father said in his french accent as I was now left alone. Cold. I fell to the ground as my legs went weak and sobbed. What the fuck is happening. What did I just find out. I just want to have a normal summer with my friends.

[translation: We love you so much, we will come back for you.]

omg guys this chapter was so fun to write. Im so shaken up. this is about to be a roller coaster of emotions. Let me know what you guys think.

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