Chapter two

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Madison Harper
Rafe Cameron. Always finding a way to piss me off. I would always see him around when I was with Sarah and he always tried picking a fight with me. I mean I can't lie. He is like super hot. The way his hair parts down the middle and the veins on his hands that have a golden ring on his ring finger. He was way taller than me. I was only 5'7 and he was 6'3. I always had to look up at him when we talked.

"Earth to Madison!" Sarah said snapping her fingers in front of my eyes. I shook out of my thoughts bringing my attention back onto Sarah.

"What..? Sorry." I said raising my eyebrows. She smirked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"What you thinking about girl?"

Now obviously I can't tell her I was thinking about her fucking brother and honestly I don't even know why I was thinking about him.

"Nothing, just zoned out for a second." I lied, chuckling.

"Actually, Sarah Cameron I was thinking about how you keep making me come to your house and when I get here your with Topper!" I snapped staring at her with a straight face.

"Look im sorry! He just comes around you know, I can't resist." She groaned rolling her eyes.

"You can you just don't want to." I said crossing my arms and getting up to leave. I wanted some water so I walked out of Sarahs room continuing my adventure to the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen, opening the refrigerator to grab a water bottle. I reached mu arm to grab it and when I closed the refrigerator door there stood a smirking Rafe Cameron. He leaned against the cupord that was next to the refrigerator. I jumped a little at his surprise presence.

"Fuck Rafe why are you creeping up on me like that." I said with an annoyed face.

"It's my house and I didn't creep up on you?" He said and I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Rafe always loved annoying me and it was so fucking annoying.

"What do you want Rafe?" I said running a hand through my brunette locks.

"I love making you mad, see I can just be here and you will be bothered." He said letting out a small chuckle and I looked at him, emotionless.

"Whatever." I whispered attempting to move past him and back to Sarahs room but he grabbed my waist pulling me back. My breath hitched once again at the contact between his hand and my waist. I looked down at his hands and then him. Of course he was smirking.

"I make you nervous, Harper?" He said never leaving his hands off my waist. I stared at him and gulped. If I stayed here any longer I would do something I was going to regret. I shook out of my trance pulling me off him. My body felt cold without his warmth.

"Fuck you." I rolled my eyes.

"Aw I know you want to." He said then grinning. I groaned in disgust and walked away flipping him off.


I left Sarahs house and went back to the chateau. I kept thinking about Rafe but I quickly shook him out of my head. I hated him. He was my enemy. Not worth thinking of.

"There she is!" JJ smiled raising his hands in the air as I walked up the porch. I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

"How was kooklandia?" Kie said as she placed a piece of watermelon in her mouth. I shrugged my shoulders filling in the empty seat next to kie.

"It was alright, I mean she was with Topper when I got there so I had to wait till she got back." I grabbed the fruit from the bowl kie was holding and ate it.

"Dude! That's mine." She groaned annoyingly. I giggled chewing on the fruit.

"Kegger? Im so bored and I want to get fucked up." I said and JJ smirked.

"Hell yeah." They all cheered making me laugh.


"Okay try this." John b said handing me a cup. I shrugged my shoulders and drank the liquid. It burned my throat and tasted highly strong. I shivered making a disgusted face causing JJ and John b to laugh at me.

"Holy fuck Jb what is this?" I said placing my hand over my mouth holding out the cup. He took it and grinned.

"Its the john b and JJ special." He winked placing it onto the table.

"Well whats in it?" I said wiping my mouth.

"Hey hey a magician doesn't reveal their secrets." JJ said making me roll me eyes and walk away.

The party was now active as there were a lot of people here. Kooks and pouges. Rafe, Sarah, Kelce and Topper were all in a corner with red solo cups in their hands as they eyes us down. I already knew there was going to be a fight knowing JJ and John b's patience. Especially Rafe's. All I have to do is wait for it to happen.

I drank a lot and I couldn't really think straight. My vision was slightly blurry as music played throughout the beach.

I stumbled as I walked over to the rest. They were all laughing and talking as my dumb ass held a alcohol bottle to my ear acting like I was talking to someone.

"Nooo I want my lawyer!" I slurred as I almost fell.

"Woah woah." John b said getting up and holding me steady. I smiled at him and was about to touch his face before JJ grabbed my hand. I turned my head around and moved my hand from his grasp and furrowing my brows.

"Your so drunk Maddie." Kie laughed. I nodded.

"I knowwww!" I snorted almost peeing myself.

"Get her sober. Now!" Pope said and they groaned giving me a water bottle. I shook my head resisting it.

"Im finee." I said almost falling asleep.

"Your obviously not fine. Now drink this cupcake or else im shoving it down your throat." JJ said with a grin and I rolled my eyes snatching the water bottle and chugging it.

A few water bottles later I started to feel less tipsy and began feeling more awake.

"You still drunk there?" Kie said and I laughed.

"Noo im fine." I said running a hand through my hair. John b was about to say something before Rafe and his cult interrupted.


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