Chapter Four

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When Lou arrived she joined the others in the waiting room.
"What's happening Ty, is Amy alright".
She could see he'd probably been crying and he was shaking his head.
"She's not good Lou, the doctors had to put her on Life Support for now to try and get her body back to some kind of normal. Also when Tim took her he pulled out the IV with the drugs in to keep her brain from swelling, so God knows what damage he's done, I know he's your Dad Lou but right now I could kill him".
Jack piped up. "Join the queue Ty".

In the Morning the Doctor arrived, there was Just Ty, Jack and Lisa.
"Morning, shall we go in here its more private".
They followed and they sat round the table dreading what he was going to tell them.
"Okay, Amy has settled and her Stats are back to normal, unfortunately being off the drug caused her brain to swell again, were going to operate within the next 30 minutes. I wanted to bring you up to date and how we're going to go forward. The new scans are showing us just how deep the trauma is from that blow and I can honestly say that the horse hit her with tremendous force, more than we actually thought possible, so to help Amy were going to take a piece of her skull out and put it inside her body to keep it alive so we can replace it later.
When she comes out of the O.R we will put her in a sterile tent to stop infection. When you visit her you will have to wear a light version of a Hazmat suit so you don't pass anything to her".
"How long for".
"Well with her back on the drug she was on and us relieving the pressure we hope we can put the skull back together by the end of the week , but I can't say what damage her father has done until the swelling goes down.
I will keep you informed I promise. Now I'd better get myself scrubbed up for surgery, we'll speak soon".
"Thank you".
"Your all welcome and keep those fingers crossed".

Two day's Later Ty is sat with Amy but outside the sterile tent when the Doctor comes in.
"Hello Ty, I have some good news for you, Amy is responding well, if she continues like this it won't be long till we can put her skull back together ".
"That's great news, thank you, I really needed to hear that".
At Heartland Tim was trying to apologise for his behaviour, the police convinced him to see a counsellor for what he'd done or be arrested. He finally realised he could of killed her even though he thought he was trying to save her and his mind was in a mixed up state ( his need to control and bully people ).
"We know you want to save Amy but your always doing stupid things because you have to try and control people and bully them, that's why Amy's in this dam mess she's in Tim, because she didn't want to work for him. You pushed her into it".
"No Jack Amy wanted to work for him".
"No Dad she didn't, she only did it because you bullied her and she wanted to shut you up".
"No, Ahmed would be better for her he's rich and could give her things Ty can't".
"You mean that's what all this is about, because she loves Ty not that Prince fellow Tim".
"She'd learn to love him eventually ".
"No she wouldn't Dad, and she'd never give up Ty, this is down to you interfering in her life as usual, it's time you concentrated on your own Life and leave her and Ty alone".

Lou's phone rang "I need to take this in my room".
"Who is it Lou".
"None of your business ".
"See Tim, your trying to interfere in Lou's life now".
"I just wanted to know who it was".
"Exactly, it's none of yours or our business, it's Lou's, now leave and get on with your own life".

Lou came out of her room and was glad that her dad had left.
"Has he gone".
"Yes Lou, thankfully ".
"Good because that was Ty and Amy's improving more every day".
"Thank god for that".

To be continued

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