Chapter Fourteen

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Amy woke up two days later and felt a lot better,  the headaches were not as painful and she wasn't slurring her words. The blood tests came back negative for any blood clots.
"Good morning Amy, it's Mr Isaacs ".
"Oh hi, good morning ".
"How are you feeling ".
"A lot better thank you, what was happening ".
He took her through an explanation of what was going on in her brain.
"Basically Amy your Synapses have finally repaired themselves and looking for a new route. Your brain has entered a heightened state of plasticity. In this state, the brain spontaneously repairs itself and if you think of it as a SatNav in your car that comes across a closed road say, your SatNav will find an alternate route. This is what your brains doing. Your pupils are already reacting to light but the connection is broken,  eventually that connection will be restored. If though nothing happens I could operate and do it manually but I'd prefer to let your body do it".
"You mean that I could see again".
"It's very possible yes, I'd say 90%".
"This is great news, thank you. How long do you think it will take".
"Honestly I don't know,  what researchers have found out is when adult brain cells are injured, they revert to an embryonic state. In their newly adopted immature state, the cells become capable of re-growing new connections that, under the right conditions, can help to restore lost functions. So it's a case of waiting I'm afraid".
"So this is good news".
"Yes Amy, very good news, this is what I was hoping for.
Now I want you to stay for today then hopefully tomorrow you can go home how does that sound".
" Like more good news".
"Okay, I'll see you later today".
"Thank you".
"Your welcome Amy, Oh, start looking around as if your trying to see something, that way your sending signals to your brain to say you can't see which will help it to reconnect".
Amy started straight away looking around, concentrating on wanting to see, then she'd stop,  later she'd do it again.
Lou had sent Ty a text to say Amy was awake and totally fine as she was told he was in surgery.

As soon as he found time he called Amy. She heard her phone 'Ty Calling'
and answered.
They talked for a long while then Amy told him what was happening and the reason for the headaches, Ty was amazed that after over a year her brain was starting to rewire itself,  he told Amy how pleased he was for her.
He asked if she wanted him to come home straight away if possible but Amy told him she was fine and would feel selfish if he left the Vet in limbo.
Amy came home the following day and Lou had her medication and dosage to help her.
Her and Ty's reunion was full of tears and hugging when he came back. A fews days later he took her to the Trailer where he'd cooked her favourite food.

"Morning Grampa".
"Morning Lou, Amy must of gone out early".
Lou suddenly realised Amy hadn't come home last night, "Well we've got some wedding plans to sort out so I'd better get dressed and have breakfast".
Lou shot off to her room and shut the door, she stood there with her hand on her forehead (Typical Lou) realising that she'd forgotten to mention something to Amy but she didn't know if Mr Isaacs had said anything either "Good Job the weddings in three months ", she didn't know if they were or not but it was to late now if they were.

To be continued

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