Chapter Eleven

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Jack got back home about the same time as Lou from the Dude Ranch.
"Good timing Lou, I'll put the kettle on and tell you what I found out".
"Okay Grampa".
When they got in it was so quiet, Lou looked round at the coat rack and saw the Harness for Remi wasn't there or Amy's Jacket.
"Looks like Amy's out with Remi, his stuff isn't there".
Jack put there drinks on the kitchen table and sat down starting to tell Lou what he'd found out.
"I don't understand why he didn't say anything to Amy or us for that matter, he must know she's going to be hurt".
"Well he told Scott that he and Amy were having a hard time which I must say is news to me, and I told Scott that I had a feeling that Amy knew nothing about this so called hard time, but Cass was supposed to go and he just said he'd go, he was on the plane that evening".
"Amy was saying that she was worried because he hasn't mentioned anything about the wedding for 12 months".
"Lou, do you think he's having second thoughts, I mean, after she came out of Hospital he told her he loved her whether she could see or not, and he was so worried when we found her in the Lake".
"I have no Idea what he's thinking Grampa, how do we tell her he's gone for two weeks".
Suddenly a voice spoke behind them.
"You don't need to Lou, I heard everything ".
Amy went back to her room and locked her door, lay on the bed cuddling Remi and cried.
Later on she heard two vehicles drive off so took Remi to let him out, she sat on the top step thinking what to do and decided to make the decision for him if he wasn't grown up enough to tell her himself. She called Remi back in then went back to her room, she sat up on her bed against the headboard and felt for her phone by the side of the bed. She pressed a button on the side and said ' Phone Ty', she waited then the phone went off and voicemail came on.
Amy left a long message about him just not seeing her for almost a week then he goes to Toronto for two weeks which he didn't have to as Cass was supposed to go but he didn't tell her. She felt like he was having second thoughts and if he had to think about marrying her then he obviously doesn't Love her as much as he said. If he loved her he would marry her without having to think about it, it was him who asked her. Then she dropped the bomb telling him not to worry about it as she was being the adult and breaking off the Engagement.
Amy then pressed the button saying End call.
Amy curled up on the bed after letting Remi out into the house and closing her bedroom door, then cried thinking that everything was over, her future marriage, having Ty's children, her life was over because of an accident. She couldn't get to sleep so took two of her tablets she still had, unfortunately she knocked the bottle over with her Duvet without realising she'd done it. She finally fell asleep.

Lou got back and started to get Dinner Ready, the girls would be home soon and Grampa and Lisa. The girls walked in after getting off the school bus, they got a snack and drink then went to the Lounge.
Katie was sat nearest the bathroom and could hear a noise so looked over and saw Remi outside her Aunt Amys bedroom whining.
"Mum, why's Remi outside Amy's room, he keeps whining".
Lou came round the corner and immediately got worried why Amy had shut the dog out. She walked up to the door and knocked but got no answer so tried the door, it opened and Remi shot in jumping on the bed.
Lou's eyes immediately went to the knocked over pill bottle and she went cold.
"AMY, Amy".
"Argh what Lou, I'm trying to sleep and my heads spinning".
"How many pills did you take".
"I said how many pills did you take".
"Two Lou, now please Leave me Alone". Amy put her head under the duvet.
Lou sighed with relief and stood the bottle back up looking for any on the floor and found four so put them back in the bottle and put the top back on.
Lou walked back into the kitchen and put the bottle in the medication cupboard, Jack was watching.
"You okay Lou".
"Yeah ,I found Amy's tablet bottle on it's side and couldn't wake her so almost gave myself heart attack. She's okay, but she's complaining about a splitting headache again".

It was late when Lou's phone rang and saw it was Ty so answered.

To be continued

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