Chapter 20

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"Well while you were watching the Stag a couple of hunters came up and saw the Stag and Doe's, the father had been drinking and was aiming his rifle but his teenage son told him not to fire as he saw you on Spartan.
His father pushed him out the way and fired, he missed the Stag but the bullet caught Spartan on his Dock just above his hip creasing the skin causing him to rear up and you fell backwards hitting the ground really hard.
When the lads father saw what he'd done he ran off telling his son to follow. He thankfully didn't and ran to you phoning for medical assistance.
They were concerned about your neck and spine, anyway they found out you'd broken your neck and operated, you had feelings in your arms and legs so had to put a small brace round your neck attached to your vertebrae to keep everything aligned. Your healed up now but the reason for your Coma was down to the incompetence of the Anesthetist, he wasn't concentrating on the mixture or something and when you didn't wake up the surgeon held an investigation".

"Oh god Ty, I could have died".
"I thought you'd never wake up".
"Well I was watching the Stag and heard a voice, then I heard your voice. I could feel my cheek being caressed and Lyndy talking about me waking up, I could hear you both talking Ty".
Amy burst into tears again as the 3 of them huddled together, then the Doctors turned up.
After the Doctors left Amy asked Ty why was it always her.
"Well your very active Amy, I mean look at you doing the Ring of Fire,  then Dark Horse, you've done Horse racing, worked with horses that could really hurt you when most owner's would have had them put down. What happened to you in the meadow could of been me or Lou, Jack, Georgie, anyone. Your always outside in the wild or working with horses I wouldn't go near. Don't ever stop Amy, that's who you are and I Love that part of you".
"Even when it gives you grey hair".
They both laughed and shared a kiss that Ty thought he'd never get again.

Jack, Lisa, Lou and the girls were eating breakfast by the time Ty and Lyndy walked in, Lou saw how happy Lyndy was.
"MY MUMMY'S AWAKE". Lyndy shouted as she ran in.
They all looked at Ty who had tears in his eye's as he nodded yes to them.
Everyone started to cheer and Lyndy ran to Lou who was like a 2nd Mum as she'd been helping Ty to raise her.
"So what did the Doctors say Ty".
"There going to start physiotherapy tomorrow to help get the muscles moving, but they estimate about 6 months".....

One Year Later

Amy was almost back to normal   she had a slight Limp but doctors told her time would heal, thankfully they had some money thanks to the insurance company for the hospital paying recompense for there blunder.

It had now been 2 yrs since Amy woke up and she informed Ty she was pregnant and was going make sure she saw this little one grow up, Lyndy who was now 7 yrs old was over the moon to have a little brother or sister.
Over time there family grew and Amy and Ty were having a great life.

                         The End

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