Chapter Eighteen

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Mr Isaacs was over the moon for Amy and told her that things should improve quickly over the next week but to get herself some normal sunglasses as the ones she had were to dark and she needed to adapt to the light.
Over the next week her eyesight improved so she was able to focus.
"Well you'll be married this weekend sweetie".
"I know, getting my sight back took my mind completely away from the wedding ".
"Are you sure the nausea is to do with your vision Amy".
"Oh, I hadn't thought of that maybe I'd better make an appointment at the Clinic".
"Okay, I'll leave you too it".
Amy phoned the clinic but couldn't get an appointment until the following Wednesday so put it out of her head and concentrated on getting married in three days time.
She finally got to see her dress and thought it was just as she imagined.
Her headaches were getting less and her vision was getting sharper.

The Saturday arrived and it was a beautiful day, the Marquee was up and Lou and Lisa had already got the little church ready, they'd decided on the Church as her Mum, Lou, 
Grandma Lyndy had all got married there and Amy wanted to carry on the tradition. Marnie was doing the catering and a local band were going to be playing in the Marquee after everyone had eaten.
Amy looked beautiful as she walked down the Aisle with her on Jacks Arm, as she approached Ty she saw a small tear on his cheek.
The reception went perfectly as Tim was locked up and not around to mess it up and they danced to their favourite song.

They'd decided not to have a honeymoon and save the money towards there savings for there own place.
On the Wednesday Amy went into town for her appointment at the Clinic. The test was negative and
Amy got back and told Lou.
Amy wasn't disappointed as such because they wanted to work and save to build there own Ranch House.


Amy was riding slowly through the Large Meadow full of tall grass and bristling  with wild flowers, she could hear the bees gathering the necter.
This place was beautiful, it was her favourite place, where she'd pick the flowers to lay on her mother's grave.
Amy fell pregnant 2 years after her and Ty had married and 9 months later she gave Ty a beautiful Daughter,  she had blonde hair and blue/green eye's, she was gorgeous, she was now a year old and although she was enjoying her ride she knew she had to get back to Lyndy, they'd moved into their own house 2 month's before Lyndy was born.
As she was about to head home she couldn't believe what she was looking at, a large Stag with gigantic Antlers, he looked so majestic, then 6 other Deers joined him, she took out the phone and zoomed in taking a photo as no one would believe her but now she had proof.
A rifle shot spooked them and they ran off into the the thick woods. Amy was furious there were hunters on their property.

To be continued

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