Chapter 29

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A/N - my reads are going up like there's no tomorrow <3

Enjoy this cuz idk when the next ones coming 🏃🏾‍♀️


"Worship us!", oh give me fucking strength, "nobody else matters today- move!".

If you told me the twins, along with Emiliano and Marco, would be at our door at fucking eight in the morning on a Wednesday, I would've laughed in your face.

But here they were, at our door at eight in the fucking morning.

Zane had told me last night that today, February 20th, was Eli and Zeke's 17th birthday - so I was fucking unprepared with nothing to give them as a present thanks to him.

"You're taking the fucking piss!", Xander screamed from upstairs, "get out of here!".

"That's no way to speak to the birthday boys!", Eli yelled back, "Isabella, I know you missed us". I eyed him up and down sceptically, stuffing my hands into my dressing gown pockets- idiots disturbed my sleep.

"Happy birthday", I narrowed my eyes at the pair of them, "you couldn't have shown up later?".

"And where's the fun in that?", Eli frowned as a door slammed upstairs; the stampede of footsteps that belonged to none other than Xander made me chuckle, he stormed past everyone and went straight to the kitchen, a loud groan filling the house. A cupboard slammed, another groan filled the air- he was so extra it was unreal.

"You are not drinking vodka at this time", you've gotta be kidding me, "put it back".

"Make me", so we were gonna be seeing angry Xander by the looks of it today.

"Alexander", Scott warned.

"Prescott", Xander matched his tone and I rolled my eyes, turning back to my cousins who were lingering in the hallway.

"When did you wake up?", I frowned, knowing full well you couldn't get me up at this time willingly, "why are you here so early?".

"Great to see you too, little cousin", Emiliano ruffled my hair and I groaned, "missed us?".

"You wish", I muttered, turning to their eldest brother and the only person out of the four of them who actually looked tired, "Marco".

"Isabella", he gave me a small smile and nod, dusting the shoulder of his suit as if something was on it, "you been okay?". I mean if we shove aside all the shit that's happened this past week or so-

"I've been good", I smiled, "could've done with a longer sleep though".

"I feel your pain", he nodded, "they're...persistent".

"And you love us, so you never say no", Emiliano grinned and Marco smiled, not denying that at all.

"What's with all the fucking noise?", Caleb was the next down the stairs- still no sign of Zane or Xav, "'re here".

"Don't sound so excited", Milo chuckled as he outstretched his arms, "my favourite cousin".

"Get away", Caleb swatted his hand and headed into the kitchen, "who spilled this fucking vodka?".

"Ask the dumb blonde", Xander's voice replied.

"Hey, I'm blonde", Caleb protested- he was what?

"My point exactly", he said.

"You're what Caleb?", I yelled and he laughed.

"You thought my hair was naturally brown?", he appeared in the kitchen doorway with a grin on his face.

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