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“CUT!” The director said. We ended the scene and began to walk off.

“Amazing work, gentlemen.” Victor said to me and Enrique. I turned and got a better look at Enrique’s outfit. He wore a white button up, black pants, black dress-jacket, and shiny black shoes. He was dressed like a servant. Meanwhile I wore khaki pants and navy blue collar shirts.

“Any plans tonight?” I asked Enrique. His eyes widened and he looked like he was trying hard to think of something.

“Yeah. I have… stuff.” He said. I knew he sounded nervous but I chose to ignore it.

I wanted to hang out with Enrique outside the studio. He genuinely is a nice guy and I wished to be with him more.

Later that night, my mail arrived. I scanned through everything. I saw letters from old friends, spam, and then one that angered me.

‘From Casey’

That bitch! How did she even know where I lived? Probably my mom told her. I wanted to read the letter so badly. But I couldn’t. She hurt me too much. She betrayed me. I ripped up the letter and threw the remains in the trash. She doesn’t deserve my attention.

Because another person has all my attention. I thought of Enrique. How does another man make me feel this way? I feel tingly. I feel warm. I feel happy. Enrique was a kind and gentle soul. I looked into his eyes and saw so much determination and pride in what he was doing. I knew he was an amazing actor. I watched his screening and I myself cried. And I wasn’t the only one apparently. 

But seeing his screening, I couldn’t help but look closer to his eyes. And I saw longing. Like the person he imagined was someone he hadn’t seen in so long. I didn’t know much about Enrique’s past. I just knew that he came from Mexico. He knew about my mom, brother, and my dead father.

I kept thinking about Enrique. I wonder what he’s doing right now. He’s probably in his bed sleeping or probably walking around practicing his line.

This is ridiculous!

I had all these feelings for another guy. Could I be attracted to Enrique? 

I figured why not see if men can make me react. If I did in fact like Enrique, then maybe men would turn me on. I stood up from my bed and began walking back and forth. If I go somewhere and have a man dance on me, I could get caught. I need to remain secretive. I’m a rising star. If anyone saw me asking for a dance from a man, my reputation would fall before it even rose.

I sighed. Fuck it! I’ll try it now!

I grabbed a large dark coat and styled my hair. I had no idea where to go.

“It’s located on the dark corners of Tri-West. Go there if you want a hot hunk of man to dance on you.” 

I remembered overhearing that conversation a few weeks ago.

“It’s called Dreamer’s Paradise.”

Dreamer’s Paradise? I needed an experiment. Surely this place will give me that. 

I just hope I see no one I recognize.

I hopped into my car and began driving to Tri-West. I drove around for a while until I saw a dark alley. I was going to ignore it until I saw two men walk out of there, touching each other seductively. I hopped out of my car and entered the alley. It was dark, cold, and disgusting. I walked further until I saw a red neon light glowing.

‘Dreamer’s Paradise’ is read.

I took one last breath in and entered. I looked around and saw a few men sitting next to each other. I saw one guy’s head down in front of another guy’s pants. I turned away and continued scanning the room. Then a voice came on from the stage.

“And now. Gentlemen, put your  hands together. The iconic, spicy Latino, and sexy, GOLDIE!” The man’s voice said. I saw people cheer for whoever this goldie was. I decided to stick around and see what happens. 

The center of the stage was lit up with a stage light and a pole was there. Footsteps approached the pole until the figure, wearing only sparkly gold underwear, appeared on stage. And the guy dancing shocked me.

It was Enrique.

I stared in astonishment as Enrique began dancing on the pole and moved his body. His gyrations synced with the music playing through the speakers. I watched on as Enrique danced and would bend down sometimes. His body was amazing. I continued watching until Enrique hopped off the stage.

He made his way to the closest guy and began to grind his body on his. Meanwhile the sitting man was shoving money into Enrique’s underwear. 

I couldn’t look away. His body moved so naturally. He kept a sexy expression on his face. My eyes trailed down to his bottom that was mostly exposed. 

I felt my pants harden. 

That proves it. I’m attracted to men. But only Enrique.

I watched on as Enrique danced on a few other men.

“I wanna fuck him so badly.” A voice next to me said. He was talking to another gentleman next to him. So I guess I’m not the only one who is attracted to Enrique.

“I’ve been here the past week. Everyone wants to fuck him.” The other gentleman said.

My throat was incredibly dry. I swallowed my saliva that had built up in my throat. Watching Enrique, out there dancing, I began to wonder what the purpose was. Did he do this for fun? Is it a secret kink? Or is he whoring himself out. 

He continued dancing with more men and I grew… angry. I watched on and felt myself grow angrier at the sight of an older man placing his hands on Enrique’s bottom. No one else noticed, but I saw his face flinch, obviously feeling uncomfortable. I wanted to take that man’s hands off Enrique and take Enrique home and make him feel safe.

I want Enrique to be safe.

How did Enrique even find this place? How does he know about Dreamer’s Paradise? What made him come here?

Enrique’s underwear was full of bills and I watched him walk to a back room. I coughed and adjusted my hard-on in my pants. I secretly followed Enrique to the back. I entered and saw him pulling out the money from his underwear. I entered the room, exposing myself.

“MARSHALL?!?” He said. He jumped back and got an article of clothing next to him and covered his lower area. I approached Enrique and grabbed his wrist.


bye! i love you all!

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