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"Come on, En. The ceremony is starting in two hours!" Marsh screamed at me.

Today was opening night for The Lonely War Hero. The screening would happen. Anyone who is anyone will be here tonight. Victor informed us that now was the time to meet with other producers and hopefully get into more films. If the film is amazing, the opportunities will come.

My outfit tonight was a simple tuxedo. Marsh and I had gone to get custom outfits. What people didn't know is that I stitched matching hearts on the sleeves for both our suits.

"Coming!" I yelled. I finished dressing and exited the bathroom. After styling my hair, I looked amazing.

I turned the corner and saw Marsh standing there. His eyes widened when he saw me. My eyes widened when I saw what Marsh was wearing. His suit fit his body perfectly. His hair was slick back and his skin glowed.

"You look amazing." Marsh said. He walked towards me and snaked his hand behind me. He leaned down to kiss me and I kissed him back. His cologne flooded my nose, making me want more.

"We should go. They're about to start." I said. Marsh left one more kiss before we departed. We entered the limo that stood in front of our home. We hopped in and sipped a bit of champagne. I made sure to watch my drinking. Last time we got drunk, Marsh and I almost...

The limo pulled up to the cinema. A red carpet displayed and photographers were barricaded. Flashes shone in my face.

"I'm scared." I said to Marsh. He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"You can do this. I know you. You're the bravest person I know." He said. I huffed and nodded. The limo door was opened and Marsh went first. I went next.

There we stood as the camera's attention was now on us. Marshall walked and gave a handsome smile to the camera. I waited a while until it was my turn. I walked and people took pictures of me.

Hearing the words of Marshall in my head, I began to stand tall. I waved a smile, imagining it was Marshall taking a picture of me.

We spent 30 minutes taking pictures. My nerves had loosened.

I am a star.

A small waiting time was set before the screening. Marsh and I just stood around as people greeted us. Marsh and I would talk to each other. I wanted to kiss him so badly.

The lights flickered, signifying it was time for the movie to start. Since we were the cast, we went in first and took our seats. Slowly, the auditorium began to fill up. I looked around and saw the whole place full of attendees.

The lights darkened, everyone was quiet, and the screen lit up. A few advertisements played for other movies.

The scene opened with a ship. The harbor was displayed as a melancholy sound played. In stepped Marshall. His character smoked a cigar and held a suitcase. He wore a war uniform.

Throughout the movie, I caught glimpses at Marshall.

Oh my sweet Marshall. How much he holds my heart.

I slipped my hand and grabbed his hand. Marshall blushed and grabbed my hand too. We hid our interlaced fingers in between the seats.

The audience would laugh when my character did something hilarious. I knew those improvised lines would be good for the script.

The ending came on. I cried, remembering when we filmed that scene. When I told Marshall I was going to miss him, Marsh gripped my hand tighter.

I'll never leave you, Marshall. I hope you know that.

The audience sobbed at the ending. And why wouldn't they? It was perfect. It was amazing. The ending is completely left to the mind of whatever the audience choses happens.

Once we exited the cinema, people clapped at us. We bowed, enjoying and bathing in the glory.



"AMAZING!" People cheered.

"Great film." James Stewart said to us. We shook his hand.

"You gentlemen are fantastic. Hope to see you in more!" Vivien Leigh said.

"Enrique. That film was something else. Will I be seeing you in more?" Ingrid Bergman asked me. I was starstruck, standing in front of so many stars.

"Maybe. I hope." I responded. Ingrid hugged me while I blushed.

"Enrique. Someone wants to talk to you." Victor said to me. He grabbed my wrist and began to drag me away from the group and towards another. A small group of old men stood together drinking champagne and laughing.

"Rob!" Victor said. One of the men turned around.

"Is this him?" Rob said. I had no idea what was going on.

"Oh, Enrique! This is Robert Rossen. Another director. Not as great as me but still amazing." Victor laughed. Stanley lightly punched Victor in the arm.

"Nice to meet you." I said. I shook Robert's hand.

"My pleasure. I really enjoyed your on screen presence. You've got talent, kid." He said.

"Thank you. I really appreciate it." I said.

"Listen, I've got a few projects lined up. How's it you audition and see if you get in?" Robert said.

"Really? Yes! Let me know when the roles open up and I'll be there!" I said. After talking a little longer with them, I returned to my lover.

"What did they want?" Marsh whispered in my ear.

"Robert Rossen wants me to audition for future roles." I said back.

"Holy! That's amazing! Congrats!" Marsh said. He patted my back but I knew he wanted to really kiss me.

And I hope he can kiss me more later that night.


calm your tits, y'all. they're gonna do it soon. just be patient.

bye! i love you all!

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