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“How much flour do I use?” I asked Enrique. He asked me to help him cook but so far all I’ve done is drop everything and use salt instead of sugar.

“Here- just... Let me cook. You go and do something else.” En laughed while I laughed sarcastically. Obeying, I left the kitchen and went to the living room.

The movie so far is coming along great. We’re almost to the end scene which, as much as I’ve read, is a sad ending. En is amazing. Every time he acts, I can’t help but fall deeper in love with him. It’s taking me so much to not go up to him and hug him and kiss him again.

Just thinking about that kiss we shared months ago sent shivers down my back. Good shivers. And I want to kiss him again. I want to confess my feelings for him. But who knows how the public and media will react if we’re caught.

A knock at the door alerts me. I turn to En who is busy cooking. I stood up and went to the door.

“Casey?” I said, looking at the woman who stood before me.

“Oh Marsh! Good heavens! I’ve been worried about you!” She said while jumping at me and engulfing me into a large hug. I pushed her away and glared at her.

“Why are you here?” I asked, looking down at her like she was dirt.

“I missed you, Marsh.” She said in a whiny voice.

“No, Casey. Why are you here?!” I asked more sternly.

“Well, after you left, I guess people found out about what I did. No one wants to talk to me. I was thinking that if you took me back, maybe people would see we’re still soulmates.” She said tearfully. But I knew too well to not fall for her tricks.

“We are not soulmates!” I said loudly.


“NO! You broke our love when you cheated on me with another man! No one talks to you because they know what you did was horrible! I’m sorry that you’re lonely, but that’s the price you pay for being an unloyal bitch!” I said.

I breathed, trying to calm myself down. Casey just stared at me with wide eyes.

“I’m really sorry.” She said.

“Yeah, well, save it!” I said.

“I heard you were in a movie. Just know that I’ll be by your side if you take me back.” She softly said.

“Absolutely no! Did you just come back here just because I’m successful now!” I said.

“Marsh, is everything okay? I hear yelling.” Enrique said from behind me. I walked into the frame, wearing the apron and had a bit of flour on his face.

“Everything is okay. She was just leaving!” I spoke, referring to Casey.

“Ma’am. Please leave. You’re obviously bothering Marshall…” Enrique said, standing next to me.

“Marshall, why is a spic living with you?” She said pointing to Enrique.

“Ma’am, please leave-” Enrique tried saying.

“Scram! Go back to where you came from!” Casey said.

“Do not speak to him like that!” I yelled at Casey.

“Don’t stand up for him. You know his kind-”

“NO! You don’t know anything. Enrique is the best person I know. He is loyal, caring, and special! He’s a better person than you’ll ever be!” I said.

“Who cares?!” She said.

“¡Pinche novia loca!” Enrique said. His accent came out, and my ears caught his shift in tone.

“What did you say, spic?! Are you going to let him say that to me?!” She screamed.

“Yes, I will.” And I slammed the door in her face.

I seethed and En rubbed my back. I turned to face him, noticing our closeness.

“You’re amazing.” I said to En.

“So are you.” He said.

I stared closer to his face. I brought my thumb up to his cheek and rubbed off the flour he had on. A blush came on his face. I felt his breath on my face. His brown eyes swirled with gold in them.

I leaned in closer to him. He leaned in closer. I looked at his lips, his bright pink lips. 


The timer for the oven rang.

“I-I should go check on that.” Enrique said. But I wanted nothing more than to stay in this position for a while longer. And I guess he did too. 

We stayed in that position a bit longer.

“Okay. Now I really have to go.” He said. He began to pull away and walk away. I stared at him as he walked away. I couldn’t help but stare at his behind.

We almost kissed. Again.

And I wanted to kiss him. I wanted nothing more than to pull him in and give him the biggest kiss I can give. I want to give him everything I have. I want to share my life with him. It sounds too early to say that. We only kissed once. But even now, I know that I feel things for Enrique that I never felt with Casey.

I feel…



going through an internal conflict rn.

might go through a dark academia phase irl.

bye! i love you all!

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