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“Welcome, ladies and gentleman, to the 20th Academy Awards, hosted at the Shrine Civic Auditorium here in Los Angeles. I am your host for the evening.” The host said into the microphone.

Here we are, at the Oscars. Remember earlier when I said I wanted an Oscar? I guess dreams do come true. 

“This year has been one of the most prosperous years of film. There’s a reason they call it The Golden Age of Hollywood. New stars hit the stage and other legends join us tonight. Without further ado, the ceremony has begun!”

The crowd cheered and the first presenters came on stage. 

“The first award for tonight is Best Actor. Many movies had amazing and charming men on the big screen.” The first presenter said.

“And here are the nominees.” I looked at Marshall and gave him a reassuring smile. Before the event began, we made sure to remember that even if we don’t win, we’re still the best in our eyes.

“John Garfield in Body and Soul; Gregory Peck in Gentleman's Agreement; Marshall Cromwell in The Lonely War Hero; William Powell in Life with Father; and Michael Redgrave in Mourning Becomes Electra.”  The crowd cheered while one of the presenters held an envelope in hishands.

“And the Oscar goes to…” A silence fell upon the whole auditorium. I glanced over at Marshall and gave him an approving nod. Ms. Cromwell, Marshall’s mother, held his mother’s hand tightly. 

“...Marshall Cromwell in The Lonely War Hero!” The crowd cheered and clapped. Marshall stood up and dusted his pants. He gave a huge hug to his mom while whispering ‘Thank you!’ to her. Marshall then went on to hug me. 

“You did it.” I whispered. 

“Thank you for being here with me.” He said back. He pulled away while I patted his shoulder. He went on to hug everyone else and walked onto the stage. 

I made sure to clap the loudest. 

Marshall walked on stage. He got handed his award which he gave a kiss. 

“I want to give a thanks to the Academy for giving me the chance to be here on this stage. If you were to have told me a year ago that I would be on stage in front of some of Hollywood's biggest stars winning an Oscar, I would’ve called you crazy. I also want to thank Victor Fleming and my fellow co-stars and everyone who worked on The Lonely War Hero, who put hours into creating this film. A special thanks to Enrique Viramontes, my best friend who honestly has kept me sane the past months. Thank you! And good night!” Marshall exited the stage and was led away.

“I knew he would win.” I said to Ms. Cromwell.

“You really are a great friend to him…” She said and smiled at me. “Did you bring anyone to accompany you tonight?” She asked. We were each allowed to bring a guest. Most people brought friends or family.

I have no family and the only friend I have is Marshall.

“No. I don’t have parents.” I blatantly said.

“Are they back in Mexico?” She asked. My eyes teared a bit.

“Um, no. They passed away a few years ago…” 

“Oh, honey. It’ll be alright.” She hugged me. Inside, I cried. I miss my parents so much. But I know they’re happy right now.

A few nominations passed by. Our movie so far has won Cinematography and Directing.

“A great star will always have a trusted partner by their side. Here are the nominees for Best Actor in a Supporting Role.”

“Charles Bickford in The Farmer’s Daughter; Enrique Viramontes in The Lonely War Hero; Thomas Gomez in Ride the Pink Horse; Robert Ryan in Crossfire; and Richard Widmark in Kiss of Death.” 

The audience clapped. Nerves filled my body. I could feel eyes on me. My vision narrowed as I only focused on the two presenters on stage. They held the envelope and opened it. Time slowed down. I felt myself sweat and drip down my forehead. 

“And the Oscar goes to…”


“Enrique Viramontes in The Lonely War Hero.”

I stood still. Did he really say my name? He couldn’t have. I must be dreaming. I was snapped out of my trance when Ms. Cromwell was shaking me. 

“Enrique! You won! Go on stage!” She excitedly said. I stood up and hugged her, like she was my mother. I shook hands and hugged everyone at our table. 

I walked onto the stage as people clapped. I get handed a statue. An Oscar. In the palm of my hands. I approached the microphone and looked at the large audience.

“Umm. Oh, I’m nervous.” I whispered but it still echoed into the microphone. The audience laughed, which made my nerves loosen up. “Ever since I was young, I’ve dreamed of being on this stage and holding one of these. I made a promise to my parents that I would follow my dreams. I know that my parents, God rest their souls, are looking down at me, happy and in glee of where I am. I want to thank the Academy for nominating me. I want to thank Victor for giving me a chance to be in his film. I especially want to thank Marshall, who has been my best friend since I moved here over a year ago. Thank you!”

I exited the stage only to be met with Marshall. He stood there clapping. I ran to him and gave him a huge hug.

“I knew you could do it…” He whispered.

We were escorted to get our pictures taken with our awards. I held mine up with pride. Marshall and I decided to give a small hint of our love by making our trophies touch. Anyone who would’ve seen the picture would’ve thought it was an accident. But in reality, it’s meant to show our love.

With that, our film won many other nominations. It was indeed a successful night. And one I’ll never forget for the years to come.

“Let’s go home. I’m gonna fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk.” Marsh whispered in my ear.

“What about your mom? Isn't she staying with us?” I asked.

“She’s taking a trip to Glendale and meeting with friends. We have the house to ourselves… mi amor…” He sensually said to me. I flushed at his Spanish words that no doubt he picked up thanks to me.

What an amazing night…


awwwww. how cliche

chap 20 and the epilogue are the last chapters!!! stay tuned!

bye! i love you all!


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