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To say I was happy is an understatement. People cheered our movie, I got to expand my credentials to more directors and actors. I’m becoming a household name. I’ve been invited to audition for more roles. And best of all…

Enrique was with me the whole way.

We’re both becoming successful and it’s a lot for me to take in. 

We arrived home, our home. It’s been a long night. The limo stopped at the driveway. We thanked him. I distracted him while En stole a few bottles of champagne. As the driver left, we laughed at our stolen goods.

The house was silent, opposite from the hectic cinema screening. The movie will be released soon. It was Friday, so at night, people would line up to see the movie. Reviews would also come out from the screening. I hope they’re good. I know the south is hesitant to release the film because of En. 

“A toast, to our success, amazing movie, and our love.” I said, holding a bottle of champagne up. En held his own bottle and clinked out bottles together. We both took a large gulp, enjoying the alcoholic taste.

After our drinks, En and I started kissing. At this point, it was instinct. It was a way of life. Kissing En is embedded in my head. I can’t go a day without his lips on mine. I want- no- NEED to always kiss him.

Kissing him, I brought my lips to his neck. I sucked while En moaned in my ear. God, he tastes amazing!

In our drunken state, we stumbled through the living room, then the hallway. We made it to our shared room, our lips refusing to split away. I removed my tie while En unbuttoned his shirt.

Soon, we stood in our underwear, kissing as our groins rubbed one another. I felt an orgasm just from him touching me.

The bed was our next destination. I layed on top of En, kissing his soft skin. He moaned loudly. He is mine.

The next morning, I had a terrible headache. My brain throbbed. Shouldn’t have drank so much, I told myself. 

I turned my head to see a sleeping Enrique. We didn’t have sex last night. We almost did. But the alcohol along with the exhaustion just took over us. We fell asleep together. I hugged him close, for he was home.

During that day, En and I stayed home doing nothing. We called Chloe Granados, our co-star, and chatted for a bit. We waited patiently for any sort of review. 

Another day passed. We turned on the radio and scrolled to hear anything.

“The Lonely War Hero played last night. According to many reviews, this movie might be the most successful of the years. Critics praised Marshall Cromwell’s and Enrique Viramontes’ acting. The film is expected to gross past its budget.” We heard. En and I were flabbergasted.

“No way! Did he actually say that?!” I said. En nodded aggressively, confirming what I heard. I hugged him tightly.

“The Lonely War Hero is already being hailed as a masterpiece.”

“That ending made me cry my eyes out. Enrique Viramontes is such an amazing actor.”

“Marshall’s sexiness brought a special charm to the character.”

“Once again, Victor Fleming produces another top-tier film!”

The radio was blasting with positive reviews. En and I danced in our house, celebrating our accomplishments.

The phone began ringing. We stopped dancing and went to answer it.

“Hello?!” I said a little too loudly.

“Marshall! Guess what?” It was Victor.

“Yeah? Is something wrong?” I was a little nervous.

“No! Of course not! Is Enrique there?” He said. I signaled for En to come over. He did, hugging me from behind and kissing the side of my face.

“I’m here!” En said.

“Perfect. So, the movie is doing incredibly well in the box office. It’s predicted we’ll get triple more than our budget, which is huge!”

“That’s amazing, Victor!” En said.

“It is. Which leads me to the next great thing! It’s not confirmed, but you two may be nominated for an Academy Award!” Victor cheerily said.

“Wait, are you saying we could get an Oscar?!” En said, sounding excited.

“It’s not confirmed, but it’s possible!” Victor said. En silently cheered. He pulled me into a kiss.

We hung up the phone and, for the millionth time that day, cheered and kissed. 

“Let’s call mom! I mean, my mom!” I said quickly. I hope he didn’t catch that. I dialed the phone to my mother’s number.

“Hello?” Her sweet voice said. God! How much I miss her.

“Mom! It’s me, Marsh!” I said.

“Oh dear! I heard about the movie. Your brother and I went to go watch it with our friends. You did amazing, Marshy!” She said, calling me my childhood nickname.

“Marshy?” Enrique giggled behind me, still hugging me.

“Who’s that? Marshy, is someone with you?” Mom asked. I glared at En to not say anything. My mother can be one of the most embarrassing people.

“Hi ma’am. My name is Enrique Viramontes!” He said.


a few more chapters left to go on this story. summer is coming so expect something new.

sleep deprived rn but i refuse to sleep!

bye! i love you all!

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