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They knew that they could never officially marry, nor could they tell the world about their love. It was a hard secret to keep in. One of the biggest factors in their lives had to be hidden behind closed doors. 

But that still never stopped Enrique and Marshall from being together. Sure, it may be sour that besides them, only Victor Fleming and Marshall’s mother knew about them. Thankfully, being in love is a journey not taken alone.

“Honey, I’m home!” Marshall yelled upon entering his home. A few years after winning their first Oscars, the two moved out. However, it would be suspicious for the two to continue living in the same home. So they came up with an idea: the two would live next door to each other.

Everyday, no matter the time, they would go to one another's house and be together. They accumulated wealth and awards. Marshall continues to be in hero-like roles. Enrique has recently begun singing in musicals. 

Who knew he could act, dance, and sing?!

“I’m in the kitchen!” Enrique yelled. No matter what, everytime he hears Marshall’s voice, he can’t help but want to tear up. He still can’t believe that someone loves him. That someone gave their heart out to him and trusts them with it.

Enrique had been cooking. Even after all these years, Marshall still can’t cook. Instead, Enrique takes that responsibility. He sometimes feels like he’s Marshall’s wife.

“You won’t believe today. Some model tried to kiss me.” Marshall said. He kissed Enrique’s neck.

“I bet you told her off?” Enrique asked. This was a constant habit. The media assumed that both men were eligible bachelors and thus would get hit on by many women. Everytime, the men would turn them down, for they are both in love with each other. 

“I did. She was adamant on kissing me but gave up.” Marshall untied his tie and set the table for dinner. Marshall noticed a sly smirk on Enrique’s face. He was hiding something.

“What’s with the smile?” Marshall asked.

“Okay, you know that director, Robert Wise?” Enrique asked. Marshall tried to remember who he was. Then he remembered.

“Oh yeah, we met him at that one party in New York.” 

“He wants me to play a role in his upcoming musical!” Enrique cheered. 

“Oh God! That’s amazing, sweetie! What musical?”

“I think it’s sort of like Romeo and Juliet. But he wants me in New York next week.” Enrique said. A pain in Marshall’s stomach fell. He knew he wouldn’t be able to go to New York with him. The only times they traveled together are when they are both invited. Otherwise, they can’t go together.

It would be weird if they constantly were together everywhere they went. Everyone thought they were just really great friends.

“That means you’ll be leaving me.” Marshall sadly spoke.

“Hey.” Enrique lifted Marshall’s chin. “I know I’ll be gone. I won’t lie, it might be over a year. And I’ll miss you so much, mi amor. But you can come visit me. I’ll talk to some people if they have open roles available in New York. How does that sound?” Enrique asked. A feeling of happiness overcame Marshall.

“That sounds great. I don’t think I can go a day without seeing you, dear.” They shared a passionate kiss.

“Neither can I. You’re my drug. I love you so much.” Enrique turned down the stove.

“We’ve got an hour until dinner is ready.” Enrique gave a smile to Marshall. Marshall knew full well what it meant.

“Enough for me to fuck your brains out.” Marshall felt himself get turned on.

“Come on, big boy. You gotta catch me first!” Enrique began to run and go up the stairs. Marshall followed close behind. They collapsed onto the bed together.

“I love you, Marshall.”

“I love you, Enrique.”

And thus, the two laid in bed, kissing, loving, caring, and dreaming. For eternity.


awww. a happy ending. it's perfect...

bye! i love you all!


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