Chapter 5-Meeting the Qua-Toyne Principality

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Disclaimer: I repeat again, I did not write the Percy Jackson Series, or Heros of Olympus those are by Rick Riordan, I also do not own or create Nihonkokou Shoukan (Summoning Japan) those rights belong to Minorou.

Auther note: This is going to be the mix of Nihonkoku Shoukan (LN) and Nihonkoku Shoukan (WN), this is because I started with Nihonkoku Shoukan (WN) but actually wanted it to be Nihonkoku Shoukan (LN), so I just mix them up. Also, Nihonkoku Shoukan is Summoning Japan if you did not know


Qua-Toyne Principality

Central Calendar 1700, January 1st, 8:00 am

6th Dragon squadron

3rd Person

As the Dragon riders of the 6th squadron fly in the clear skies on their flying dragons called wyverns, they saw something unusual in the clear skies.

"What is that" said one of the dragon riders

"It may be hostile, intercept it" said the flight commander of the 6th squadron, they knew that although wyverns, and even the wyvern lords could not travel very far, major civilizations supposedly had ships that can carry lot of wyverns on board, however none of the major civilizations would attack a country outside in this very remote area or at least they hope so.

Soon they were getting closer to this strange wyvern they soon analyzed the object to find that it was not any wyvern they ever seen. This strange wyvern wings didn't flap, it was also made of iron, it took them a moment to realized that it was not living, they then saw USGNAAF (This one would not be a demigod, just a normal reconnaissance plane also USGNAAF means United States of Godly North America Airforce if you didn't know, UNA reconnaissance flight is invisible). 

"Report back to HQ for this unknown aircraft" said the fight commander, the squadron soon saw that the mysterious aircraft had speed up, much faster than the max speed of even the wyvern lords.

Qua-Toyne Principality

Central calendar 1700, January 1st, 8:10 am

Near Myhak, HQ base

3rd Person

"6th squadron to HQ, an unknown object is going to Myhak, I repeat, an unknown object is going to Myhak" over the radio to Manota 

"Can you intercept it" replied the radio operator 

"We can't, it went too fast for us to intercept it, it is going to speeds exceeding even the wyvern lord in our flight" 

Headquarters, after receiving the news order the wyvern and the new wyvern lords to launch, the riders knew they had a limited window to intercept it, soon the strange object was visible.

"I see it," said a lookout

Soon the wyverns and wyvern lords got into range and open their mouths to charge up their fireball blast, however had to stop when the object increased its altitude dramatically, instantly putting the wyverns and wyvern lords to stop as they were out of range of their fireballs. 

"HQ, we have found the object however it flew at very high altitude and put us out of range of our attacks, it is now heading for Myhak"

Soon the civilians of Myhak saw the strange looking object including the leader of Myhak's defensive order, captain Inne the 2nd, the son of captain Inne.

Captain Inne the 2nd knew what wyvern could do; they had an ability to shoot fireballs out of their mouths, they couldn't however, drop explosives as the wyvern could not support both the rider weight and the weight of adding explosives, so he thinks it was just a reconnaissance flight.

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