Chapter 13-Topa Kingdom and the Demon Lord (Part 2)

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Disclaimer: I repeat again, I did not write the Percy Jackson Series, or Heros of Olympus those are by Rick Riordan, I also do not own or create Nihonkokou Shoukan (Summoning Japan) those rights belong to Minorou.



Central Calendar 1700, February 4th, 10:45 am

Topa Kingdom

3rd Person

After the encounter with Malastriss, the marines got praise from the government, ensuring that UNA and USGNA really are to help even though the numbers seem small, each one of them were powerful. By now UNA satellites had made an accurate real time live map of Minaisa, in the map it showed that monsters completely run over the place, almost in every building there is a monster, there was at least 300,000 thousand monsters, not to mention the rest of the monsters outside of the town.

The numbers were definitely not in their favor, however they had to save the civilians that are shown in the map to be in the center, if they were going to rescue them, they would need a lot of men, like over 1 million as to hold against the outside army of monsters and also break into Minaisa, but Topa Kingdom couldn't get even 10% of the estimated soldiers to rescue the hostages, and even if they did it would take months to train and equipped them with weapons and armor.

While Moah and the King's guard among some of the generals in Topa Kingdom had given up on retaking Minaisa, Perry and his team had a plan to do just that. They would use Naval bombardment in Minaisa along with helicopters from the USGNA LHD/LHA whenever they get here. They had already called the admiral and he agree on this plan, they would also get help from another squad, this time led by one of Perry good friends Thia Hunt, Thia's team consist of 10 marines who are all girls, they are one of the most elite teams of the UNA without a master wizard, they would also be bringing a UNA tank.

Perry than explain their plan to Moah, the King's Guard, the King and the Topa Generals, they were just shocked when Perry reassured them that the naval bombardment would have the reach to hit Minaisa and would be accurate so it wouldn't hit the civilians. It was shocking because no other thing that they have known could have shoot Minaisa at that range, not even the longest-range artillery showcased by the premier superpower the Holy Milishial Empire, which could only reach a range of about 100 miles away, but at that range of 100 miles the accuracy would be abysmal, even the Holy Milishial Empire stated that, not only would the UNA and USGNA bombardment would be 3 or 4 times the range of the artillery, but they would also be accurate.

If they didn't see recent events, they would have thought that the marines were lying but now not so much. The king accepted the plan and soon the marines were on the move along with sir Moah, some knights and even some mercenaries. Soon they arrived at the town of Minaisa, it was, like the satellite picture to be cover with monsters.

"So, what do we do" asked a mercenary, he was Gai, a childhood friend of Moah but unlike Moah he became a mercenary instead of a knight. 

"First we wait for the bombardment, after that is finished, we rush in and secure the hostages, then retreat before we can get overrun by the army outside of the town, Anne can you call the bombardment," said Perry.


Central Calendar 1700, February 4th, 2:55 pm

50 miles off of Topa Kingdom

3rd Person

Admiral Potter was taking to the mainland, he found out that reinforcement was coming in a form of a carrier strike group, however till than he would only have his ships and the marines on the ground.

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