Chapter 11-Parpaldia Empire and Fenn Kingdom

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Disclaimer: I repeat, I did not write the Percy Jackson Series, or Heros of Olympus those are by Rick Riordan, I also do not own or create Nihonkokou Shoukan (Summoning Japan) those rights belong to Minorou.

Authors Note: The era that Parpaldia Empire is in is before the dreadnought era for their navy, their army is like Napoleon's army just with Mystical creatures, their air force has the super wyvern overlord as their best but is coming up with the hyper wyvern overlord soon.

Super wyvern overlord: A wyvern that travels at 500 mph, 20 mph slower than the super wyvern lord, but it can withstand a lot more hits and can carry more weight allowing it to equip more amour and can take even more hits. 

Hyper wyvern overlord: A wyvern that travels at 600 mph, 80 mph faster than the super wyvern lord, and can withstand more hits than the super wyvern overlord, with this all the equipment had to be improved for the increased speed, the weight of the improvements didn't matter however because the hyper wyvern overlord can carry 10 times as much as the super wyvern overlord allow it to get much more equipment on or some weapon the rider can use. 



Central Calendar 1700, February 1st, 8:00 am

100 miles off the coast of Parpaldia Empire

3rd person

With the war with Louria over the UNA and USGNA was starting to prove itself in the new world, of course they were still very un-known as they only took out a country outside of the civilization area. They however didn't mind this, after all if you are the most well know country, it might backfire, this is what happen to them each before the transfer. 

UNA was the global hyperpower and one time they publicly released that they had a disaster with one of their power plants, with this other country begin using propaganda to make the disaster much more intense and then the UNA had its reputation decreased, this is the same that happen with the USGNA when they announce that New York was heavily damaged during the fight against Kronos, other country than started to get into more conflict as the USGNA which was like the global police was weaken and so other country though they could get more land and without the USGNA intervention they would get it, this also decrease the USGNA reputation with them not being able to stop the conflicts, this however didn't mean they didn't want to do diplomatic missions.

But doing those missions was hard, in fact some of the countries they visited had no recognition, even Qua-Toyne principality didn't know them, these included the Republic of Horgian, United Molia, Frim Kingdom and Morguo Kingdom, although they were small and had no recognition or knowledge of the events happening in the world, they were actually very advance in magic with the top magician in each being as powerful as a demigod which is saying a lot. 

Also, the UNA and USGNA learned how diplomatic missions worked, instead of how good your diplomat was, the countries resources, and importance and/or how good your presentation was, it was mostly about which country it was and if they were a superpower, in the civilize area or not, although the UNA and USGNA took that as a factor in their diplomatic missions in their old world, it was not their main priority.  There was also the fact that countries do not look at how powerful other countries truly are especially the countries outside of the civilize zone, this is one of the biggest mistakes any diplomatic mission can have, diplomats in the UNA and USGNA wonder how the world is even sane at this point.

But put that aside, two diplomats, one from the UNA and one from the USGNA went to Parapodia Empire, they went on a USGNA frigate (Unlike our USA, the USGNA still kept the frigates around), 10 miles away and underwater was a UNA battleship task force with a battleship, 2 cruisers and 4 destroyers. Then 50 miles away was a USGNA carrier task force with 1 carrier, a cruiser, 3 destroyers, a transport ship and a submarine. The task forces were to defend the frigate if Parpaldia Empire attacks and the frigate had to escape. They were also here to counterattack the Parpaldia Empire or take off planes of the carrier as a show of force. Both UNA and USGNA didn't trust the Parpaldia Empire from warnings of Qua-Toyne principality.

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