Chapter 6-Louria Kingdom

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Disclaimer: I repeat again, I did not write the Percy Jackson Series, or Heros of Olympus those are by Rick Riordan, I also do not own or create Nihonkokou Shoukan (Summoning Japan) those rights belong to Minorou.


Qua-Toyne Principality

Central calendar 1700, January 4th, 6:00 pm

Myhak, main port  

3rd person

Prime minister Kanata was beyond scared, he hated the water epically when the boat rock and roll. Although he was fine traveling for a diplomatic mission, he hated that most of the time they had to go overseas to other countries. This feeling however never happens on the USGNA ships, but he didn't know that so right now he was panicking when the USGNA says that they were going on ship.

Oh, why did I sign up for this was the thought in the prime minister head when they were announced to be going on a ship to the USGNA mainland, it was a 3-day journey which the prime minister thought impossible as how will they travel 1,000 miles which they told them was how far from their land was to their country of Qua-Toyne Principality, if it was one of their flying machines than he would believe them, but it was a ship. They also stated that their ships were too big to fit in the port which the prime minister never thought possible as their ports were very big, but they insisted and now they were sending a flying device called a helicopter to get them on board the ship. Soon the sounds of "Thwop, Thwop, Thwop" cut across the air and a mysterious object flying towards them was seen by the prime minister and his guards.

Soon the mysterious object landed in front of them creating a large gust of wind, two of the guards that had hats gotten the hats blown away and the door open reviling a person.

"Are you the prime minister and the guards," said the mysterious person 

"Yes, we are"

"Good, come on in, we will take you to USGNAS (United States of Godly North America Ships) Enterprise cv-80," soon the prime minister and his guards sat down in the helicopter and the airman close the door, they then begin to takeoff and went to the USGNAS Enterprise. Although 2 of the solders and the prime minister figure out how to buck their seat belts, the other guards had to get help from the airman. Soon they saw a massive ship coming closer.

"What a massive ship" said one of the guards shocked.

"Yes, it is the USGNAS Enterprise, one of our new super carriers that we have built"

"How many do you have," said the curious prime minister

"We have 13 super carriers, however if you talk to UNA, they have a bunch more than us and they are much more powerful"

The prime minister was amazed and scared by how powerful the USGNA and UNA was, if they had one of these ships, it could probably single handily defeat the Louria Kingdom, but both the USGNA and UNA has more than 10 ships of the supercarrier class with UNA having even more powerful versions. The prime minister Kanata had made up his mind, soon he quickly went to get his notebook where he writes 'do not ever mess with the USGNA and UNA, if possible, secure a security treaty with them '.

Soon the helicopter landed on the USGNAS Enterprise, the Prime minister and his guards than step out, they were greeted by a man with a white uniform and a man with a black suit and tie, ambassador Smith.

"Hello, my name is Earl Otto, the admiral of the USGNAS Enterprise" said the man with the white uniform now identify as the admiral.

"I am ambassador Smith, but you have already met me"

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