Chapter 8-The Navel Engagement of Rodenius

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Disclaimer: I repeat again, I did not write the Percy Jackson Series, or Heros of Olympus those are by Rick Riordan, I also do not own or create Nihonkokou Shoukan (Summoning Japan) those rights belong to Minorou.

Author Notes: I totally forgotten the military bases, OOF (Self-correcting moment). Do not worry, it is going to be mentioned in this chapter. Also, over 1,000 views on this story!


USGNA mainland

Central calendar 1700, January 20th, 8:00 am

Washington DC

3rd person

"Hello America, as you know we have been getting friendly diplomatic relations with Qua-Toyne Principality, but with this came hostilities with Louria Kingdom, soon they attack Qua-Toyne Principality without declaring war or sending a message. After they won Gim, they done questionable things to the innocent civilians which just wanted to evacuate, after we witness this, we have decided to declare war on Louria Kingdom along with the UNA, have a good day everyone," soon President Buck step off the podium, over to the UNA, President Craig said the exact same thing except for a few different words.

Both of the president than went back to their respective office and video called each other. 

"So now we are supporting Qua-Toyne, what should we do"

"I think we should each send a close destroyer task force around the area to Qua-Toyne, our satellites had detected around 3,000 ships going to the main dock of Myhak, if this happen, your trade could be disrupted, and there is a possibility that it could capture Qua-Toyne capital"

"Yes, I agree with this, but I also want an observer representing Qua-Toyne so they can watch it and show that we are here to help"

"This is not a bad idea, but anyways I have thing to do, bye President Buck, I hope to have more corporations in the future"

They then ended the call, soon an aide ran up to President Buck.

"Mister President, there is a message for you," the aide than handed President Buck an envelope, in it was the commanders of the bases they had around the world which now resides in the Midwest, President Buck almost forgotten about the bases around the world, President Buck was thinking on what to do with them and then he got an idea, he made them leave their bases and head to the main bases they had set up near the ports, their they then would leave on ships so they can establish a military base in Qua-Toyne Principality if their government allows it if they wanted to, while the rest of the personal can go home to see their family and/or friends, this was the same thing President Craig did too.

Qua-Toyne Principality

Central calendar 1700, January 21st, 8:00 am

Myhak, main port

3rd person

"Observer Aguo are you sure you want to do this," Observer Jan Aguo was being the observer of the UNA and USGNA naval force that was sent here to fight the coming threat of the Louria fleet. This was agreed upon by Prime Minister Kanata and President Buck and Craig, the UNA and USGNA would both send a naval task force to stop Louria's fleet if Qua-Toyne Principality was to send an observer to watch the battle, because of the Prime Minister high respect and hope of the UNA and USGNA, they send one of the best observers they had, Jan Aguo.  

"Yes, if the Prime Minister think they are a powerful force than who am I to judge," soon huge ships they ever seen came into the port or as close as they could get, Observer Aguo was shocked, they were huge, could probably carry a lot of men which was important as even though cannons were introduce to them, nothing could go through full power steam ships unless you invade them by boarding, but that was not the only shocking thing, it was all metal, this was impossible to their technology right now, it shouldn't even be possible for someone outside of the five superpowers to build a ship that was all metal, however a thing that worried Aguo was that the ship only had one cannon but that was about it.

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