Chapter 4 - Promenade

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A natural glow from the sun was blinding as she hardly opened her eyelids. She swallowed the taste of iron trying to soften the back of her throat from severe dryness when an unbearable throbbing came from the sides of her forehead. Her legs ached from the uncomfortable position she slept in.

Emma didn't get a chance to inspect the room before detecting a group of people checking up on her. Her mother gently placed a hand where the headache was coming from, feeling for a temperature. Jenny held her sister's hand the whole time while Luke was tapping his foot. She could tell he was worried and concerned about why she blacked out.

"Dear, are you alright?" Lady Harrington asked as she removed her hand. Emma sat up and rubbed the back of her neck, cracking it for comfort.

"Yes, I just was quite overwhelmed by everything happening," Emma reassured then stood up from the sofa. Luke rushed over and stopped her from moving any further.

"Em take it easy, you just passed out on the floor." Luke worried. Emma removed herself from his grasp and insisted that she was okay. Jenny suggested that a long walk would cure her headaches and that it would be good for her to get out for some fresh air. After lots of convincing, the others finally agreed for her to go for a promenade.

"Alright then, let's be on our way." Lady Harrington replied. Jenny and Luke followed their mother after gathering their things. Emma stayed behind to find Lady Whistledown's paper. She noticed the scandal sheet still on the floor where she had fallen and walked over to pick it up. She took a big deep breath, pressed a finger on the first line then began to read.

—————-         Lady Whistledown's      ——————
                                 Society papers

Dearest reader,

It has come to my attention that the diamond of the season is a beauty. The mystery debutante is Jenny Harrington and she is quite the choice.

My Queen, your decision is wise, but I question your ability to pick a suitable young lady. The Harrington family is far from perfection as her eldest sister made clear last night at Lady Danbury's ball.

Her sister looked rather devoted to navigating Jenny through the upcoming social season and what it has to offer, but could not help steal the spot for herself. The acts that took place should be considered foolish.

Is one's drawing room so empty, that one would do anything to stop others from enduring the happiness of marriage? I bid you goodbye as I set off to find an answer to return with.

                                  Yours truly, Lady Whistledown.


A feeling of regret came over her after reading the paper, the lies she spoke were outrageous and far from the truth. Emma would never dare to sabotage her sister's chance at marriage nor did she care for it. If she wanted a husband she would make it her duty to find a perfect suitor. She tore the sheet in half and then threw it inside the unlit fireplace.


Emma ambled (walk easily) to the family's canopy as the sun shined on her face. Lucky for her, she was wearing her favorite white hat with pink roses on it. She needed the day out, another minute couldn't be spent in that house. It was causing a feeling of suffocation and being trapped, it was like she was hiding from the ton that now apparently disliked her. She sat in the chair next to her sister, Jenny, hoping to talk to her about Lady Whistledown.

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