Chapter 10 - Revenge Tastes Bitter

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The first rays of sunlight lit up the ton. All the members went on about their day as most strolled through the park. Sounds of horses trotting by on the gravel road while pulling carriages behind them, pierced through homes. The screams of joy from children echoed as they watched multiple paper kites fly in the sky.

It finally looked like an ordinary day in Mayfair. Too bad it wouldn't last for long.

The white and gold carriage lurched forward as it came to a halt near the Bridgerton home. The coachmen assisted Emma out of the carriage and waved goodbye. She had a civilized talk with the coachmen on how she preferred they didn't bow to bid her farewell and how she would rather a smile and wave. It was more genuine and made a lot more sense than bowing.

Her petite legs sauntered up the stone steps and stopped once getting to the door. She knocked gracefully on the dark green-colored entrance and waited for access. The doors unlocked in front of her, causing light to whoosh in from behind. She took off the blue laced gloves that caressed her hands and the straw hat that was aligned with a white ribbon around the top. The doorman stored her belongings on a rack and showed her where the family was currently staying. She quietly entered the loud room and waited for the Bridgerton's attention.

"Oh, Emma dear! Such a pleasure for you to join us this morning." Violet said while leading her to one of the sofas for them to sit at.

She never got the chance to take in all the minor details of the lovely estate. The curtains were a baby blue with a dash of grey. A small wooden bookshelf of literature accompanied the left window and a dessert table was placed near the right. In the middle of the windows stood wooded pillars, holding a bouquet of vanilla white roses and soprano purple daisies. Another sofa was placed across from Violet and Emma. The Bridgerton sisters, Daphne and Eloise, occupied the cozy seats. Each sofa had an end table, to which Daphne was embroidering next to hers. It consisted of two wooded trays, for beverages perhaps, and a deck of cards. Emma sat near hers as she noticed it had a large plate of chocolate chip cookies waiting for her. They looked delicious and Emma was known for loving every kind of sweet. She reached over and grabbed one from the top of the pile and lightly bit into the soft pastry as she continued to observe the drawing-room. The carpet that spread across the floor underneath the coffee table was a pale blue, as well as the bottom of the walls. The fireplace on the other hand looked used like someone lit it every night for warmth.

She turned to her left and eyed an expensive-looking piano. She loved playing such delicate instruments that changed tempo with just the press of a new key. A table sat in front of it, used for board games like chess and checkers that was also used often, possibly by Hyacinth and Gregory. The windows were a repeat of the ones on Emma's side of the room, except there were four creamed beige sofas instead of two. Anthony was slouched in the large one while downing a glass of bourbon and Benedict was drawing across from him. Emma could tell he was drawing the eldest Bridgerton by the way Colin let out a chuckle on the side of him.

"Eloise, you could learn a thing or two about the activity in my hands if you did not bury your face in books all the time." Daphne complained and rolled her eyes.

"What is wrong with books, sister?" Eloise questioned as her head turned for an answer. "Well nothing, but-" Daphne was stopped mid-sentence.
"A good book can suffice, can it not?" Eloise wondered. Daphne was taken aback by the constant questions being thrown.

"I was only trying to prepare you for future suitors." Daphne explained, going back to her embroidering. "Last I checked, I was not the diamond of the season. Therefore, I will not need to look for a potential suitor as of now." Eloise sneered. Violet cleared her throat and grabbed both of Emma's hands. She looked at the woman in worry for her long silence.

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