Chapter 5 - Confession

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Beth filled the bath to the top with water and set a couple of bars of soap on a tiny table next to the tub. Emma stared at the three options in front of her, peaches, honeycomb, and lemongrass. She pointed at the second bar while Beth helped pin up her hair and unbuttoned the back of her nightgown. The clothing slowly slipped from her frame, she stepped over the dress and dipped her left foot then the next in the bathtub.

She plopped down in the cold water and laid the back of her head on the rim of the tub behind her. Beth thought Emma was strange for not wanting hot water from the stove, but the cold calmed her nerves and that's what she needed right now.

Emma rubbed the honeycomb soap against her white pale skin. When she finished scrubbing all over her body, she sunk into the water as she thought about him. 'Why is he so obsessed with pleasure? Why did he look at the woman like that and not care that he pushed me? And last, of all why did he care about a bumblebee.' She couldn't take the suspension any longer and stepped out of the bath, asking Beth to quickly dress her.

"Where are you off to, Miss Harrington?" Another maid asked. Emma turned to the skittish lady while being dried. "To the Bridgertons, Ms. Hazel. Why did you need something?" Emma wondered. Beth tighten the corset around her waist and tied it into a ribbon in the back. 

"N-no of course not! I am thinking of your safety is all." Hazel stuttered. Emma pushed the corner of her cheeks up, creating a smile towards the maid.

"That is very kind of you to be concerned for my health, but I will be back in the evening. I promise." Emma vowed. Beth finished topping off the outfit with dangling gold earrings and a gold pendant necklace to go with it. Emma thank her and then paced out the chamber doors.

Lightly her fist grazed the green-painted door, hoping someone would arrive shortly. The estate was decorative, but not on purpose. On both sides of the door were blue moon wisteria trees, smothered with large clusters of purple plants. It filled the air with its delicate perfume, softly gracing Emma's nose. Black street lamps stood next to the trees as a source of light during the nighttime. The brick structure of the home captivated her eyes, she gazed at every valuable asset.

A footman opened the door and stepped aside as she walked in, he led the young lady towards the staircase and directed her to where the study was located. She gratefully thanked him and then paced up the stairs.

The corridor was endless with doors, each of them looked abnormal to be a study. Emma continued down the hall about to give up when suddenly she saw a door creak open and decided to check there first. She peeked into the room, seeing a pile of files and blank sheets of paper. A very lonely Viscount sat in the office chair, possibly working on the home's finances. He looked quite exhausted from yesterday, she buried herself behind the door while observing him. Finally, She gathered enough courage and took a few breaths before announcing her arrival.

"Lord Bridgerton, I came to speak with you," Emma said, mincing over to Anthony's wooden desk. She stared at the objects on it, waiting for a decent response. Anthony felt a shiver down his spine as she got closer to him.

"Miss Harrington, what do I owe the pleasure?" Anthony asked, sizing up the petite woman in front of him. Emma caught him scanning her like a beautiful glass doll, She rolled her eyes before entertaining their conversation.

"I have a confession, my lord," Emma admitted. She tried to make herself look convincing for him to take her seriously.

"Emma you should not be alone in here with me. Eloise has guests over and it would be terrible if they were to talk." Anthony replied, now focusing on writing.

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