Chapter 9 - A Dip In The Lake

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The sun cast a baby blue hue across the morning sky. The ton was having another promenade, and many suitors and ladies joined the local gathering with the hope of finding the one. That was the opposite for the Harrington and Bridgerton family, who only came along to avoid gossipers.

Jenny was standing to the left of Benedict while a mystery man stood next to her with their arms connected as they watched the canoes float by. Emma assumed the gentleman to be the one she's been going on and on about. Hopefully, she would be able to meet him soon, but she wasn't going to rush her sister with such things.

Colin was having a conversation with Penelope Featherington, a fiery redhead who was overlooked by society and deemed to be an ugly duckling amongst her older sisters. She never liked the girl for how sneaky she was, it seemed everyone underestimated her, but Emma.

If only they knew the truth.

Daphne strolled with her husband, Simon, on a sidewalk near the lake. Emma has yet to meet the Duke of Hastings, but to her defense, last night wasn't the most ideal. She continued to search around, trying to find Eloise in a crowd somewhere. After concluding that the young Bridgerton must have skipped the event, she decided to walk toward the dock. She enjoyed the view of the waters and everything that swam underneath. It was moments like these that satisfied her.

Out of nowhere, a voice came from behind saying her name and Emma could feel a wave of illness hit her.

"What is it you want from me now!" Emma spat, turning to Lord Chamberlyn. He was taken aback by the aggression coming from the young lady in front of him.

"I am here to apologize for my actions yesterday, but I can not do that if you shout at me." Matthew groaned. "I should do more than shout, I should beat your brainless skull in for touching me like that!" Emma exclaimed before taking a deep breath.

"Please give me a chance to apologize, Miss Harrington." Matthew pleaded. He then pointed his hand to a canoe that sat on the side of the dock, indicating they should go for a ride.

Emma sighed then gently nodded and took his hand to step down in the canoe. She was not going to forgive him but watching him tremble over his words and excuse his actions will be rather entertaining. The woman also had nothing else going on around her, so why not. The canoe began to float after Matthew untied the rope.

"What I did was wrong and you deserved none of it." Matthew apologized, rowing the canoe.

"It was unacceptable and extremely foolish." Emma sneered. "I truly am sorry, my lady. If you just give me one more chance to prove myself." Matthew replied, still rowing.

"That will never happen, pardon me for what I am about to say next, but I can not be seen with a man such as you." Emma denied it with disgust, he cleared his throat and then made a joke about his busted and obviously bruised lip. It was cut and covered with dry blood.

Anthony must have punched him hard since Lord Chamberlyn was also knocked out cold on the ground that night. She wondered what went through his mind when he woke up in the garden the next day, the musing made her laugh, making it look like she was laughing at Matthew's joke, which she indeed was not.


Earlier, Anthony's POV:

Anthony stood in between Lady Bridgerton and Lady Harrington as they talked his ear off about dinner plans later on. The conversation continued on and on, making him feel aggravated with the both of them. Another minute had passed before Judith noticed her daughter next to Mr. Chamberlyn and pointed it out to the others.

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