Chapter 15 - Traitor

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The footman closed the door behind her and placed her hat and coat on the rack in the belongings unit. She walked to the drawing-room, where she was supposed to have breakfast with the Bridgertons. Emma had only hoped socializing would be kept at a minimum, but knowing Violet that was too much to ask for.

She entered through the doorway of the room and scanned everyone's whereabouts.

"I think I was promised a nice breakfast this morning." Emma joked, causing everyone to look up at her. She ambled to an available seat, there were two options, Eloise or the Viscount. Emma couldn't hear about her sister and Eloise's friendship for another minute longer, but her hatred for the eldest Bridgerton was much worse. So, Eloise, it is.

"Do not threat, I will take my leave. I am off to the modiste with Jenny, mama." Eloise announced, barely giving her mother enough time to agree to the activity before she quickly walked out.

Or not?

Emma occupied the large seat, taking up not even a quarter of the sofa. She felt rather lonely being so distant from everyone, they all seemed too busy to acknowledge her. Maybe she shouldn't have complained about the company, after all, she thought.

"May I have someone sit by me, perhaps a young gentleman?" Emma asked, sending playful eyes at Gregory. He leaped from his chair out of excitement and left the checkers game with Colin.

"Hey, we were not finished with our game!" Colin shouted. The family laughed as Gregory sat next to Emma on the beige sofa.

The conversation started amongst the group, but her attention was on Anthony. He had been reading the local newspaper (like usual) that came in that morning and was yet to take his eyes off of it. She was beginning to think he was ignoring her as much as she did him, which she shouldn't care about, but she did. It bothered her more than she thought it would. The tapping from a leather boot brought her attention to the Viscount, he too was itching to speak with her. They needed to be okay again or they were both going to go humanly insane.

He broke the tension.

"May I speak with you, Miss Harrington." Anthony blurted out, making the others look at him in confusion. "Alone." He added. Emma stood up and stepped to the side of him. "Make it quick, Mr. Bridgerton." Emma replied, brushing past him and out the drawing-room. Anthony followed and closed the door behind him.

She leaned on the blue-colored wall, waiting for someone to break the silence. He hesitated before speaking and stepped closer to her, cutting off all distance from each other. Emma's heart quickened. 

"Can I finally explain myself?" Anthony asked while crossing his arms. "My lord-" Emma began. "I thought I told you to call me Anthony." He interrupted. She smirked before responding, "No, that was Daphne at dinner. She insisted I not use titles, but maybe you missed that. Thinking about your mistresses, perhaps?"

"Are you ever going to let that down? Anthony asked. He watched as she stepped on her tippy toes to reach his lips, placing her hands on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in. The scent of honey and cinnamon surrounded his nose as he slowly inhaled and then exhaled.

"No, but I will let you explain yourself." Emma whispered. Anthony leaned down to her ear, "I did not do anything with any opera singer or prostitute. I went for a drink and thought about it, even spoke about it, but I did not go far." Emma looked in his meaningful brown eyes, desiring his lips on hers as his touch below was insufferable.

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